Polenta is a corn-meal porridge. You can top polenta with anything you like which makes it a delicious options for breakfast, lunch and even dinner.
Polenta is identified as a yellow corn-meal. The way it’s process produces a more whole form of what many know as grits and contains 6 g of fiber. ( The most popular form of grits only have .7 g – yet I believe there is a white corn that can be used to create white polenta “grits” which reserves the whole kernels.
If cooking on the stove-top it takes about 30 minutes. Use 1 cup of polenta to 6 cups of water.
But I prefer the much easier option of using an Instant Pot. This recipe makes 4 – 6 servings.
- 1 cup polenta
- 6 cups water or broth
Vegetable Toppings: (in photo)
- `1 bell pepper
- 2 stalks green onion
- 8 ounces mushrooms
- 4 ounces cherry tomatoes
- 4 cups spinach
- Salt, pepper and crushed red pepper (optional)
Directions: (for Instant Pot)
- Add polenta, water and sprinkle with a little salt (optional) into Instant Pot and stir.
- Cook for 10 minutes (manually set or use ‘Rice’ button).
- After time is up, Press ‘Cancel’ to switch to ‘Off’ and allow natural pressure release (usually 10/15 minutes).
- Stir to combine water and corn-meal. Using a whisk makes this easier.
Cooking Vegetables:
- Heat griddle or pan on stove-top.
- Add 1 tsp of oil and/or 2 TBS water to the pan.
- Add all vegetables except for spinach and stir-fry (stir-steam) until desired tenderness, sprinkle with seasonings of choice.
- Remove vegetables to a plate, turn off heat, add spinach and allow to wilt. (Adding a bit of water to create steam will help spinach wilt.)
Serve by adding polenta to a dish and topping with the vegetables.