The Earth Sustains Life
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“The earth was created to sustain life.” – I hope to affirm this for you on a deeper level. Because not only does the earth provide soil for us to grow healthy foods that we can eat, but it provides antioxidants in another surprising way – which you may not yet be aware of… even though most of us have already experienced this phenomenon.
On one of my regular Monday night YouTube Live Chats with Dr. Baxter Montgomery the discussion was “Ways to Protect Yourself from EMF and Wi-Fi”(see link #1 below). I was quite interested in the subject already. I had purchased an EMF meter to test how much EMF Radiation was being emitted in certain areas of our home. Also, now, there is current “talk” about the 5G towers and possible ill-health effects they can cause by exposing us to even greater amounts of EMF Radiation…all amid the COVID-19 health crisis. (Whew! We definitely need a break.)
Back to the Monday night YouTube Live Chat: at 45 minutes and 26 seconds, the presenter mentions that one way to protect ourselves from EMF Radiation is by going outside and walking barefoot on the earth. This suggestion was only discussed for 41 seconds, but it caught my attention because he also mentions the phrase “working in the soil”. This phrase evoked my memory of about 7 years ago when I was spending a great amount of time outdoors in our garden with my bare hands in the dirt. (It was somewhat of a raised garden so it did not have many earthworms, for those of you who know how terrified I am of worms and am least likely to touch the dirt with my bare hands. But I did it for the entire season which I gardened which was from February until the next frost – so about November.)
During the 7 years that followed, I would often find myself pondering about what was different about that year. It was 2013 actually. I had photos that were constant reminders of how healthier I felt and how more relaxed I was in 2013.
What could be so good about the year I gardened? My guesses were that I was:
- getting certain microbes from being outdoors by handling dirt with my hands, and
- by eating the fresh produce of our garden I was getting extra nutrients
All of these things are positive outcomes of gardening, without a doubt. I knew at the time was that it was an enjoyable experience. But what I was not aware of is that I was being grounded by touching the earth with my hands.
How about you? Do you garden or do landscaping work? Or perhaps you appreciate walking along the beach while barefoot or being barefoot in the cool green grass? Apparently, there are so many reasons to enjoy these activities and I think most of all is the process of being grounded.
Antioxidants for Detoxification
You have probably heard of an indoor outlet being grounded.
“…the grounding system in a residential wiring system serves a ‘backup’ pathway that provides an alternate route for electrical current to follow back to ‘ground’ in the case of a problem in the wiring system.” (see link #2 below)
We will refer back to indoor grounded outlets later.
But, just like indoor outlets we can be grounded too. The terms used for this process is called “Grounding” or “Earthing”. We can experience grounding/earthing while walking barefoot on the earth’s natural surfaces such as grass, dirt, rocks and sand.

ANTIOXIDANTS – Grounding/Earthing “allows our bodies to soak up negatively charged ions from the earth.
These ions [from the earth] neutralize the positively charge ions [free radicals] that we accumulate from EMFs.” – Ways to Protect Yourself form EMF and Wi-Fi
Why You Should Practice Grounding/Earthing
We’ve all heard that we need to eat antioxidant rich foods to clean up free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are caused by the consumption of poor foods (such as those containing chemicals and pesticides), air pollution, EMFs, medications, overdoing exercises that deplete oxygen intake and many more causes. Yet, antioxidants are molecules that donate an electron to free radicals – without forming or becoming free radicals in the process! When we are being grounded, we take in antioxidants, negative ions from the earth, that bond with free radicals, positive ions.
Grounding/Earthing can provide you with extra antioxidants to improve your health. Here are a few of the most common benefits of grounding that you may experience:

- Better Sleep
- Pain/Inflammation Reduction
- Look and feel more vibrant
- Stress relief
- Speeds healing and recovery
- Calms your nervous system
- Increases blood flow
My Personal Experience with Grounding/Earthing
The very next day after viewing that YouTube video about EMFs and grounding I decided to start walking barefoot in a small garden area of my backyard. Before this, I would often go outside to feel the warmth of the sun and to hopefully soak in some Vitamin D, but I always would wear shoes outdoors. I walked outdoors barefoot for three days in a row but because we have been battling ants in our lawn I was being bitten each day and just the day before publishing this article I stepped into an ant mound! Yet, to my amazement, the ant bites never itched and they didn’t even produce the usual itchy bump which usually lasts for a few days. This was strange. The only explanation I could guess at was that because I was grounded I didn’t have my usual inflammatory response.
After day three I started more research. I was curious about how the protection from EMFs really worked so I searched online for more YouTube videos. I found someone who explained how to measure how much voltage my body conducted using a device called a Multimeter. Here is a “multimeter test” video that I made especially for you:After conducting the tests and actually being able to see that the voltage I was conducting would drop as a result of placing my bare feet on the earth, I knew I wanted to ground (practice earthing) as much as I possibly could.
Grounding/Earthing Indoors Is Possible Too
Remember the indoor “grounded” outlets that I mentioned above? Well, they are very useful if you wish to be grounded indoors. You can connect tools that are specifically made for the purpose of grounding indoors if you have grounded outlets in your home, office, or any indoor location. Click here to order your earthing mat.

I discovered these tools existed after watching “The Earthing Movie”.
By using the indoor tools you can increase the amount of time you are able to be grounded. I’ve been using products that “ground” me while I sleep and while I’m working at my desk.
I chose the single mattress cover because I can take it with me if I decide to travel without taking away the entire bed mattress covering from my husband’s side too. I purchased two single mattress covers for this reason.
Here is an AMAZON link to the same type of perforated mattress cover that is my favorite:
Here are AMAZON links to the mats that I use under my feet while sitting/standing at my computer desk:
1 Single Mat – The Original Universal Grounding Mat Kit by Earthing to Improve Sleep, Inflammation, and Anxiety – Only 1 mat:
2 Single Mats – The Original Universal Grounding Mat Kit by Earthing to Improve Sleep, Inflammation, and Anxiety – Pack of 2:
The main benefits I’ve noticed are:
- More relaxed
- Better, refreshing sleep
- Less menstrual cramping (after just one month of grounding, it’s a female thing)
- A persistent pain that I’d had in my shoulder for many months has subsided (At my last visit with the chiropractor he didn’t find the usual knots he would point out at every monthly visit). Perhaps, this is less stress and less inflammation? Whatever the cause, the effect is that the pain is gone!
We (Modern Societies) Have Lost Our Connection to the Earth
Contact with the earth’s surface used to be automatic and definitely more likely with earlier lifestyles. With more and more modern day inventions we are becoming more removed from our connection to the Earth. By the early 1900s, rubber soled shoes were increasing tremendously in popularity and by the 1960s almost all shoe designs were available with rubber soles, especially athletic footwear. This was definitely a point in time when we became more disconnected from the earth (more than we ever had been before) and with this we can definitely see that there has been a rise in sickness and disease. (Additionally, do not forget, that our modern society has also implemented poor practices of growing and packaging foods which contain pesticides and are also highly laden with toxic chemicals. Most foods these days are also lower in nutrients due to the way they are processed and refined. Read my Real Food Guide if you need help navigating the food system.)
I know I’ve presented you with much information here. Yet, I hope this information has been eye-opening for you and has provided you with an additional tool you can use to boost your health. For me, this has been such a great gift of knowledge from which most of us have become disconnected. Don’t forget to watch “The Earthing Movie”.
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Until next time, remember:
“It’s all about the real food you eat starting with the ground beneath your feet.” — Shonda
- “Ways to Protect Yourself from EMF and Wi-Fi” by Monday night YouTube Live Chats with Dr. Baxter Montgomery
- Definition of a grounding system
- The Earthing Movie [The movie features Clint Ober, who is the pioneer of indoor electrical grounding.]
UPDATE: It’s been two months and I’m thoroughly enjoying the “indoor” earthing products that I’ve mentioned in this article. We used to be connected to the earth almost 24/7. These products can help you stay more connected. Below is Video #2 in which I review two different types of sleeping mattress covers and give you my personal favorite.
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