So, why would anyone want a no oil salad dressing*?
- Eliminate IBS Symptoms (Oils can trigger IBS and acid reflux)
- Difficulty digesting fats. Perhaps you don’t produce enough of the lipase digestive enzymes, you need to give your gall bladder a rest, or had your gall bladder removed.
- Reduce calories – just 1 TBS of oil contains at least 100 calories.
- Savings – if you use oils in your salads, you want to use the best possible oils so that you get the best nutritional benefit. Never use hydrogenated oils in your salads because they overload your digestive system. A healthy, cold-pressed oil, such as extra virgin olive oil, cost more than hydrogenated oils, but are better for your health – or you can just leave oils out and save on your food budget.
- 1/4 cup vinegar (raw apple cider vinegar is my top choice)
- 1/4 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed
- 3/4 cup filtered or spring water
- 2 – 3 fresh sprigs of parsley
- 2 – 4 drops of Stevia
- 1/2 tsp mustard powder
- 1 – 2 TBS color bell peppers (or 1/2 – 1 TBS dried)
- 1 – 2 TBS chia seeds (this will thicken the dressing)
- 1 tsp dried herbs (use an Italian blend or mix single herbs of oregano, rosemary, dill, etc)
- up to 3/4 tsp salt (I wouldn’t use anymore than that)
- dash to 1/8 tsp pepper
* If you desire a garlic flavor though, the best way is to opt for a modified “low-oil” version and add 1 TBS of a garlic infused oil for flavoring. This would still be low-calorie since you won’t be using the entire recipe on one serving of salad.
Directions: Blend all the ingredients together in a high-speed blender, such as a Vitamix.