Avocado Drink with Basil and Mint

I was browsing my computer this morning and I came across a Vitamix recipe that used milk and sugar in the mix , so I decided to mix it up a bit in a different way for some Real Food goodness and I added a little special touch with the basil and mint addition. This tasted […]

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Spicy Tropical Salad

Ingredients:2 Altufo mangos2 peaches, nectarines and/or apricots1/2 cup strawberries1 – 2 TBS green onions (or red onions)3 leaves of fresh basilgreen salad mixture as desiredDash of Cayenne Pepper (to taste)Oh, and I added a few bits of grapefruit today…Directions: (Simply add every to a bowl and toss together) Peeled and sliced mangos Chopped peaches, nectarines […]

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Almond Flour Cookies

I began this website so that I could keep track of my journey’s recipes for the most part. I cook and prepare foods EVERYDAY! So, you would think that I would have a ton of recipes posted already. But I have been slacking in this task. Photos of many of the foods I do prepare […]

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No Oil Italian Salad Dressing

Hi everyone. I promised that I would post this recipe and I am fulfilling my promise on the same day! (Amazing!) I had to leave home and get a cubicle at the library in order to focus on doing this, but I really feel that it’s so important for me to share the recipe. ┬á […]

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Apple Breakfast Bowl

For almost 2 months this has been my daily breakfast. Additionally, I either have a glass of fresh green juice or I use a green powder mixed with water. It’s hydrating, sweet and satisfying. It only requires a little preparation. To make the mornings easier, you can mix all the ingredients the night before, except […]

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Texas Caviar

This is a new one for me. I have never heard anyone call “salsa” by any other name. I have lived in Texas for 45 years! Texas Caviar – never heard of it. So I did my best. The only think different about this salsa is that I didn’t chop/puree the tomatoes in my food […]

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Minty Orange But Green Smoothie

I have mostly been posting all of my food creations via Instagram, but I realize that many still prefer a website to search and view recipes more easily. So I will try to post recipes here also when I Instagram them. Instagram is just a bit quicker. This was my morning breakfast smoothie….well, what was […]

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Vegan Chili

Today I made chili for the family and I will use it to top some potato hash browns. Remember to add whatever additional “chili” toppings you like (while sticking to your healthy diet, of course). I needed something to eat and chili sounded great. But for now, I’m focusing on not eating as much meat […]

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Cauliflower Hash Browns

Cauliflower Hash Browns I often use “riced” cauliflower for many recipes. For my latest, I used the term “hash browns” because I had made a similar dish for the family using potato hash browns. But “riced” and “hash browns” are practically the same. That is because cauliflower is a very versatile vegetable. ┬áFor instance, did […]

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Homemade Vegan Protein Smoothie

I have been looking into the possibility of buying a protein powder to supplement my nutrients and caloric intake. Yet, after reading the ingredients on multiple different protein powder brands, I decided to make my own. The reason I had problems with most protein powder mixes is mostly due to my Candida Overgrowth.  I can’t have […]

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