
Perhaps you have already been on a long road and are ready to improve your health. You need a definite solution to your current health situation. One that you will not have any doubt about.THESE ARE THE POOR HEALTH SYMPTOMS THAT I ONCE SUFFERED FROM:

  • IBS/digestive issues which included painful stomach bloating
  • brain fog
  • body aches & joint pains
  • seasonal allergies
  • and fatigue!

I NO LONGER SUFFER from these symptoms 

I NO LONGER SUFFER from these symptoms and I have energy after I eat food at any time of the day!

As I began to notice that my health was improving, I knew it was a direct result of changing the foods I was eating and changing my lifestyle choices. This was not a quick journey for me, even though it could have been if I would have known the right steps from the beginning. But unfortunately, some of us have to take a longer road – and this is okay. I’m going to tell you the truth: “You cannot have any mental (or emotional) conflicts with the foods you are eating”. [If you want to know more about this, contact me.]

I’ve been incorporating an abundance of real plant-based whole foods since 2017. I know that sounds like a mouthful (pun intended).  I do believe that if you have certain chronic conditions that adding more plant foods produces great results and FAST! I tried it, and I started following other plant-based communities, and I saw real transformations and benefits that others have experienced. Most experience changes within just a couple of weeks of eating fully real plant-based whole foods and adjusting their lifestyle. What a great way to reset your body and energy!

So I encourage you to add more plant-based foods to your diet today.

Road to Health Doesn't Have to Be Long

Hello. My name is Shonda and I’m a wife and mother of three children plus multiple Shonda and Kalepets. Those facts make my life full in their own way, but add on top of that a condition which made me feel tired and most times unable to cope so I wasn’t able to enjoy the full blessing of my family life. YET, things have changedÔǪ

Real food and living a positive lifestyle is what I’m all about! I’ve improved my health and outlook TREMENDOUSLY and I want to pass this gift on to you by helping you do the same.

I will be sharing with you, the simple steps that I took to improve my health and we will be learning from others about what they are doing to create a healthier lifestyle too.

But first, I think you should hear more of my story:

Yep, that’s right. I used to suffer from all those symptoms that are listed at the top of this page. I first noticed body aches and joint pain at the onset of my third pregnancy. I just figured it was part of being pregnant “for the third time”. But towards the end of my pregnancy I could barely walk up the stairs to our second floor. I was only 31 years old (young)! Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the back pain.

After the pregnancy, the pains lingered so I went to see my husband’s chiropractor. I received so much relief. The back pain was finally gone and I was able to walk up the stairs again. Then my chiropractor moved far, far away. (I didn’t realize until MANY years later, how much I needed to find another good chiropractor. More on that below.)

So, some time went by as it normally does. But there wasn’t anything normal about it. By the time I was 34 years old, I began suffering from brain fog. Let me tell you, anyone who has ever experienced chronic brain fog will tell you that it’s debilitating! I felt like I had no energy for most normal activities. I had trouble thinking and making decisions. I felt dizzy often and tired all the time.

Yet, I was determined to push through. I noticed that the brain fog worsened when I ate meals, so I would not eat when I had something important to do. And, at the age of 34 with 3 small kids,



Back in the day (2004) when I would search the internet for “brain fog” – I hardly found anything! But I did come across one doctor that tested for metals and it just so happened that I had (very) high amounts of lead. To treat that condition I underwent Heavy Metal Chelation. It worked for a while – yes, the brain fog was lifted. But knowing what I now know, I would have chosen a different option.

The brain fog did come back, so I determined that it must be something I was eating. This is where my Journey to Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle began.

I had no idea of the amazing journey that was ahead of me. I learned new ways of eating that allowed me to control the brain fog! Yay! The body aches and joint pains were gone. I learned how and why I needed to create a new lifestyle…so I did. Ahh! It has really been AMAZING! I had overcome almost all of my symptoms.


Yes, the one that stumped me for the longest was IBS. I hadn’t really recognized it due to all the other symptoms. In fact, I think it started in the middle of all of my other symptoms. But once they were gone, for five additional  (5+) years I was seeking doctors for tests of all sorts. By the time I was 45 years old, I had MRIs, ultrasounds, blood tests, and finally an endoscopy and colonoscopy! All revealing nothing. I thank God for that, but what was going on? The pain, gas and bloating was REAL! I was miserable once again from eating food, but now I was eating a diet that any dietitian, nutritionist of health food fanatic would consider ideal. Yet, no one could figure it out. Ultimate frustration!

In the summer of 2016 I discovered a specific way of eating to deal with the IBS. For the most part, it worked. There were some occasions that it didn’t and I couldn’t figure out why. Yet, I was determined.

I DECIDED TO INTENSIVELY STUDY NUTRITION So in the midst of it all I decided to study Holistic Nutrition for myself, to get some first-hand knowledge, and to seek as much understanding as I could in order to heal. I was determined…and desperate.

I completed my studies in the fall of 2017 and just continued to learn all that I could through self-study and being my own “guinea pig”.

I continued to focus on Holistic methods of healing which involved more than what I was eating or what supplements I was taking. The study of Holistic methods opened up a “whole new world” for me to explore. I began to study “how” I was living…my lifestyle. I had to self-inspect my lifestyle and there was one major aspect of it that needed changing. There was one major aspect of my life that was fueling the IBS.

You have probably heard of this culprit before. Yes, It was undoubtedly STRESS! So you think you read all this only to arrive at something you’ve already known. Well, if you don’t know how to deal with STRESS you will feel frustrated.


Because everyone I encountered or read about who had improved their health had to first deal with STRESS! Please don’t run away from this truth. There are some simple things you can do to change how you deal with STRESS! I will share with you all of the methods that I have learned in dealing with STRESS and the many other ways in which I practice a lifestyle that supports health for your body, mind and spirit.  There is healing for you, just like I was able to heal.

I am free of all my seasonal allergies.

I am now FREE from IBS Symptoms!

I now have energy that lasts the entire day.

I no longer experience fatigue or stomach pain after I eat food.



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