Sweet Potato Coconut Milk Curry

I prepared this in my InstantPot. But I’m sure a pot on the stove top will work just as well. This was quick and easy. The perfect warm and satisfying meal for the cold night on which I prepared it. (Note: this recipe was based on a recipe I saw at Pinch of Yum, but […]

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Black Bean Corn Tortilla Tacos (Plant-Based, Vegan)

I usually cook a large batch of beans and freeze whatever I don’t use immediately. So, for this recipe, the only ingredient that I had to make was the “Not-So” Cheese Sauce that I found in the Vitamix recipe book. If you have the opportunity to purchase a Vitamix you should definitely do so. You […]

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Mid-day Green Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 packed cup of Kale 1/2 slice of 1 inch thick pineapple 1/2 of peeled pickling cucumber 1/2 small nectarine or peach* 1 knob ginger (you can juice using garlic press) 2 coconut milk* ice cubes 1 1/2 cups water *High FODMAP food – remove from ingredients to achieve a Low FODMAP recipe. Directions: […]

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Homemade Catalina Dressing – Oil-Free

I had a mango and a red bell pepper and recall making a dressing out of the two a while back. But this time, I added a few more ingredients. Then end result is a dressing that reminded me of Catalina Dressing, but this one is Oil-Free. Catalina was my salad dressing of choice when […]

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Sadkhin Cabbage Salad – Three Ways

Recently I prepared three cabbage salads for the Grand Opening Event ofSadkhin Houston. Sadkhin is a weight loss program that does not require any special foods, just mainly fresh fruits and vegetables.   One highly recommended vegetable for the Sadkhin Diet is raw cabbage. Also, since the diet suggests having no more than three vegetables/fruit […]

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My “Go To” Get Going Green Smoothie

Lately, this has been my “go to” morning smoothie to “get going”. Ingredients:2 cups water1/2 avocado1 stalk celery2 TBS nut butter2 Medjool dates1 TBS hemp protein1/2 frozen banana (or add a couple of ice cubes)1 scoop green “super food” powder Directions:Add all ingredients to a high speed blender. I use a Vitamix – it is […]

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plant-based lasagna

Zucchini and Vegetable Lasagna (Dairy Free and Grain Free)

Lasagna, a classic favorite, right? I used sliced zucchini in place of the noodles and created my own version of cashew cream sauce in place of cheese.┬á Update on 01-16-2020:┬áI recently made this recipe again and I added tofu”ricotta” in addition to the cashew cream sauce that’s already included in the recipe. YUM! I prepared […]

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Orange You Happy Smoothie

This morning it took me a while to get around to preparing my first meal around 11 am. I had already had 32 ounces of water (mixed with barley green powder and 1/2 of a lemon which has now become my regular morning routine.) But at this hour of the morning, ┬áI felt like I […]

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Real Food Rocky Road Ice Cream

I wasn’t planning on posting this tonight, but it’s the weekend and it’s nice to have something cool and sweet to eat while chillin’, right? Well this is my own version of rocky road ice cream. I don’t think I was ever a fan of rocky road ice cream beore, but this dessert just ‘happened’ […]

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Carrot and Flax Seed Crackers

I’m going to give you the basic recipe…then some ideas on the add-ins to achieve different flavors Ingredients: Dehydrator – Before 1/4 cup flax seeds 1/4 cup psyllium husks 2 carrots 3/4 cup water 1/8 tsp salt Directions: Place all ingredients into a high speed blender such as a Vitamix and blend until smooth. Spread […]

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