In Episodes 21 thru 23, we discussed tips from Stormie Omartian’s book, “Greater Health God’s Way’ about how making simple food choices can become healthy food goals. Yet, today, we thought it just as important to discuss stress and how stress can affect our healthy goals overall. We also talk about what we can do about stress. Many of these points come from Chapter 1 which is titled “Peaceful LIving”.
We want to come alongside you, as well, as we all continue moving toward a positive direction to support our healthy lifestyles. If there are any specific ways that we can be of assistance, please contact us through our contact form or send a verbal message through Speakpipe.

We invite you to listen and share your perspectives with us too. Send us a recorded message through Speakpipe. We may use your message in an upcoming episode, therefore, please leave your name if you would like it to be noted during the podcast. Leave an email address if you would like a personal response or feel free to use the contact form.
Show Notes:
ÔÇ£Greater Health GodÔÇÖs WayÔÇØ by Stormie Omartian
StormieÔÇÖs book is a great overview of how to live in a healthful way. The last copy of the book was published in 1996, yet the information is still very relevant to today. She explains 7 steps to greater health: 1. Peaceful LIving 2. Pure Food 3. Proper Exercise 4. Plenty of Water 5. Prayer and Fasting 6. Periods of Fresh Air and Sunlight and 7. Perfect Rest.
We will definitely be discussing more areas of this book in addition to completing the 15 helpful hints/tips for making food choices in upcoming podcasts.
See Stormie OmartianÔÇÖs Book Greater Health GodÔÇÖs Way: Seven Steps to Inner and Outer Beauty (on AMAZON).
More Resources:
Episode 1 – COVID-19 and Stress
De-stress, Dealing with Stress (Covid-19 Pandemic)
Plant-based “Simple” Recipes:
Search real food and drink recipes using this link.
[00:00:00] In episodes 21 to 23, we discuss tips from Stormie Omartian's book, Greater Health, God's Way, about how making simple food choices can become healthy food goals. Yet today, we thought it just as important to discuss stress and how stress can affect our healthy goals. Overall, we also talk about what we can do about stress.
[00:00:37] Hi, and hello. Welcome to the Real Food and Drinks Lifestyle Podcast. We're building a community to talk about nutrition, lifestyle choices, and just feeling better. This is Shonda and this is Patryce. Let's just be real.
[00:01:04] Disclaimer, we do not professionally practice in any of the various subjects that we discuss. We are only sharing our personal experiences with you to a healthier lifestyle. Please do your own research before taking part in any of these practices.
[00:01:21] Patryce: Well, I just thought it was interesting during our last podcast, we talked about healthy habits that were offered by Stormie, and it was interesting how she did end all that, uh, talking about stress.
[00:01:35] Shonda: Right.
[00:01:36] Patryce: And how important it is to identify stress and minimize stress.
[00:01:42] Shonda: So I remember my food journey is like, okay, I'm doing all this stuff. Right. I got the right food. And, but now it's causing stress. Even when I became assured that, okay, yeah, I've got this down. I'm doing a good job. I saw it was still something missing and I knew it and that may have just been God telling me, Hey, you're not done yet. And you have to deal with stress. So I, I did recognize that. I went for food first, but then, you know, soon after I discovered it's not all about food, because like she says, "do all the food and exercise properly but if stress is there", I mean, that's, that's the big thing that we have to be concerned about.
[00:02:22] Patryce: Exactly. We could be doing all this in vain if we're not managing stress. Because like it's been documented that 90 plus percent of all illnesses are related to stress. And even if the cause of these illnesses is not stress certainly stress will worsen any illness we have.
[00:02:46] Shonda: Right. Exactly. Um, that's a good thing, but that is key, but I also don't want to diminish the role of food and exercise in there, because if we're, there are two things. If we're improperly eating, that's a stressor on our body. And if we're in properly exercising, that's another stressor. You know, whether we're not exercising that's stress or, you know, causing our body to have to pump more and harder, because you know, we're not circulating our blood or we can over-exercise and cause stress too. So that's just something I wanted to mention there. I think most of us do recognize the general feelings of being stressed. You know, we, we were irritable, just frustrated. Maybe we can't think straight. You know, low tolerance of, of life events, you know, just, I mean like the day to day life events, you know, that that's a signal that we're in a stressed state.
[00:03:48] Um, because I have thoughts of remembering I'm feeling stressed, but I can't pinpoint what this stress is. What is around me that's causing stress? If you look at my life from the outside in it's like, okay, what, what's it going on? There's nothing going on to be causing this stressful feeling, so then I realize, okay, this is coming from myself.
[00:04:12] You know, it's coming from my thoughts about day-to-day work or, oh, I have too much to do or, you know, uh, the floor isn't clean or something. I mean just causing my own stress in my own mind.
[00:04:27] Patryce: And I guess it also goes back to knowing yourself and knowing your body. Knowing your body, your mind, your body, you know, uh, so that you can identify, uh, signs of stress. Because she has a lot in here, but she also pointed out that everything we do produces some stress.
[00:04:48] So that's why not only knowing the signs of stress, but realizing there are two kinds of stress, right? Hm. Talk about positive and negative stress because the point being made that we do have both, because anything can cause stress, but is it negative stress or is it positive stress? Because the negative stress is what we've got to, to minimize and really identify the signs of, whereas the positive stress, we may not realize as much the signs of it because it could even spur us onto to do a better job at something. Right?
[00:05:26] Right. I mean, yeah. Okay. So we're, we're talking about there's positive stress, but I think negative stress is the one that, um, we need to take note of more so, because you know, these are things that start physical ailments, you know, not just I'm feeling stress, but they start, you know, like high blood pressure, stomach problems, ulcers, heart disease and cancer. If we are really overloaded with stress, these are the outcomes of stress on our bodies. Our bodies start to break down.
[00:06:00] Okay. Well, yes, you're right. And so I guess focusing on the signs of stress so that we can identify when we're getting stressed is that...?
[00:06:10]Shonda: We need to recognize stress in our lives before it gets serious and take specific steps to alleviate it.
[00:06:17] So before we get to hypertension, blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers, we want to tackle it right there. You know, it's time today. Let's just start. You know, no matter where we are, if we're experiencing these things or we're not experiencing them yet, let's get proactive in this at no matter what stage we at, no matter what age we're at, let's just start working on alleviating stress.
[00:06:43] So those were the signs of stress and things like that. But yeah, there are different sources of stress. And so we can break those further down. You know, there's environment, poor diet, lack of exercise and our attitude, which I touched on just a little bit ago, but you know, we can talk about the environment.
[00:07:02] Patryce: For sure, for sure.
[00:07:04] We, we, we live in such a fast paced and honestly, very polluted environment in many ways. And I'm not just talking about chemical pollution. We also have noise pollution. Okay. We're overloaded with that. And just, um, so many ways, too much noise pollution, too many people, traffic, um, competition. It's all can add up and, and not be good for our body and mind.
[00:07:33] Shonda: Yeah. That's what I was thinking. I really thought you were about to say people pollution, you know, that just kind of reminds me of someone who, you know, may bring a lot of negativity, you know,
[00:07:44] Patryce: Toxic people, toxic, and that's a real issue. And, uh, it is a real source of, of stress.
[00:07:52] Shonda: Yeah. For many, for sure. Yeah. So, uh, poor diet.
[00:07:56] We want to eat real food. Food that's vibrant, full of life, and comes straight from the ground as much as possible. And, you know, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains.
[00:08:10]Patryce: All the GBOMBS,
[00:08:11] Shonda: Right. Because you know, all the other foods are stressors. They're just pulling us down. It's taking more energy to digest these foods that in return are given us nothing.
[00:08:21] Patryce: That's true. Nothing on your return for sure. So yeah. Poor diet can be definitely a source of stress. And then, um, coupled with that is a lack of exercising.
[00:08:32] Shonda: I like to remind people that we're not talking about beat yourself up exercise, you know, panting, running, you're out of breath. I'm just talking about a simple walk for 20 minutes a day.
[00:08:44] Patryce: That's a very good point. It's not that we're saying there's a certain type of exercise. We're just saying find, find some type of exercise and do it on a regular basis.
[00:08:56] Shonda: And exercise can be fun. You know, it can be fun. Uh, whether you like playing a sport with someone or a walk or dancing, uh, yardwork.
[00:09:07] Patryce: That's a good one yardwork. Because I think you were just outside earlier and going along with exercising, complementing any exercise with the sunlight. Yeah, that's great.
[00:09:17] Shonda: That's a good point. Sunlight. While we're outdoors. So let's try to exercise outdoors. Yeah. And I like to get a return on my, um, exercise. So that's why I do yard work. But I mean, we're getting a return, but I get a double return. Let's just say that.
[00:09:34]Patryce: Interest
[00:09:35] Shonda: Oouuh, triple return out in the sun, I'm getting work done, and my body's benefiting just from movement.
[00:09:41] Patryce: Ding, ding, ding!
[00:09:43] Shonda: Okay. Any other form of exercise you enjoy?
[00:09:47] Patryce: I haven't really pursued yoga, but I know you have, and I've heard more and more people talk about the benefits they have found to practicing yoga and something called Tai Chi.
[00:09:58] So again, it doesn't have to be, like you said, the type of exercise, always where you're panting or super aerobic, not to say that that's not good exercise, but if that is not the form that you take to well, then there are other options out there.
[00:10:12] Shonda: And so we're back to our attitude. I've already talked about my attitude. I had to learn that. I really did have to learn that my attitude was a source of stress. I mean, you, you can really lift yourself up out of that. You can really choose, choose your attitude and you will start to feel better automatically. Okay. That's my little input there and I believe in it and I've seen it happen in my own life.
[00:10:40] Patryce: I totally agree.
[00:10:42] And this is silly, but I I've even told, been known them to tell people my kids, myself, that if you're not in necessarily good mood or you need to call someone, you have a difficult conversation or need to break the ice, smile. Even if no one sees you when you're smiling and you're speaking, it will come through more, in a more positive light than just frowning.
[00:11:08] And it's all about positive. You know, seeing the glass half full. Versus half empty. I know it's a cliche, but it's true. Something I'll just read straight from Stormie's book, it says, "we have already said that it's not so much what is happening to you. It's not so much your, what your circumstances [are] but your reaction to your circumstances that make a difference."
[00:11:31] Shonda: Yes. Our reaction, taking control, watching our attitude, watching what our thoughts are.
[00:11:39] Patryce: Definitely our thought life is so important. And so, um, that's another thing we can't minimize is our thought life leads a lot a lot of the stress. Yeah.
[00:11:54] You mentioned how we need to be proactive about managing and minimizing our stress.
[00:11:59] And I can't agree with you more because more and more people at a younger age, even our children are reporting that they are stressed. Elementary age.
[00:12:11] Shonda: Yeah, it's so true. And I, and I have to say that we as parents play a role in that, you know, I have played a role I know in some of the attitudes that I've seen in my children and their stress.
[00:12:23] And so now that I know better, you know, they're, they're adults and, you know, they were young teenagers. I mean, I have tried to display a different attitude for them so that they can learn that that behavior is learned and that behavior can be changed.
[00:12:40] Patryce: It can be changed. I love how you... you just made that statement. That behavior can be changed. Because so often you hear someone saying, well, that's just how I am. Well, no, maybe that's how you are now. That doesn't mean you have to always be that way.
[00:12:58] Shonda: So there's two choices, right, in dealing with stress? Uh, We can do something to change the situation, or we can be content with whatever circumstances there are and that's Philippians 4: 11 and decide to accept it and move on. Or what, what do you think?
[00:13:18] Patryce: Wow. I think similar to what you were just saying, we can choose to embrace our stress or choose to minimize it.
[00:13:33] Shonda: Yeah. I mean, uh things, examples are just coming to my mind, like, okay, I'm stressed out in the morning because I'm driving to work and there's so much traffic and I'm late and you know, all these different things.
[00:13:47] Well, so what can we do?
[00:13:50]Patryce: Change our attitude? I was in that situation, Shonda, my commute went from 35 minutes to maybe an hour and 10 minutes on a rainy day. And so I loved to listen to books. So I used to get audio... the CDs...books on, on tape back then, or books on CDs, audio books. And I found my attitude changed.
[00:14:13] And then also the type of music. I know at one point, yeah, much younger in life, I just, whatever the latest was, or I just went with whatever genre and, and nothing to say, we all have different preferences, but I've just found it ,to me, listening to praise and worship music regularly helps change my mood. I'm meditating on the Lord.
[00:14:36] Shonda: Yeah. Um, so you took the steps to change your attitude, to do something good with the time that you were spending there, you know, so you wouldn't feel like you're wasting your time. And I mean, of course, yeah we could get up earlier so that we won't feel stressed when we're, you know, that close. Like, oh man, I'm like running 10 minutes late, you know, because there was a stalled car or something like that. So we can decide to make room for dealing with stress. We can change situations. There's things we can do. I mean, so...
[00:15:12] Patryce: That's a very good point too. You can change the situation. And I know it may seem radical, but I changed to the point where I did not work outside the home for a given period of time, because the jobs, they took such a long commute. They involved such a long commute that it was do I want to complain and continue to be late picking up my kids, even though I'm leaving earlier and earlier for work? Or do I want to make a change? We can look as a family to see what can I do. Can I get a job closer to home? Or if it's, if we're in a position, I just stay at home and I'm able to do all those things for the kids at school. Um, we may cut back on some other things, but long-term, I am so thankful that at that time we made that choice.
[00:15:54] Shonda: And it sounds like that was a good choice. So, um, Stormie also talks about ways to deal with stress. The first thing she says is make a list of your stress sources. Like, do we ever think about that to sit down and say, okay, what's stressing me out? You know, and write it down and look at it and, you know, start to analyze our life.
[00:16:17] Right? That's being proactive. Let's see what we can do about these things. And so that would be one, you know, Uh, the morning commute is really stressing me out. I mean, that would be something you put on your list, you know.
[00:16:30] Patryce: I love the list idea. I never thought about doing that. It's like you just find yourself stressed and complaining, but why not sit in the beginning, be intentional and make that list? I loved that.
[00:16:42] Shonda: Yeah. The next thing she, uh, suggests is, um, well look at that list and is there anything that can be changed to alleviate the problem? And if so, take those steps immediately. Get that stress out of there.
[00:16:55] Patryce: I ended my job assignment.
[00:16:58] Shonda: So the last thing it says is if you can't change the situation, do some thinking and research about how you can fortify yourself mentally and emotionally to survive the stress in your life.
[00:17:10] Patryce: I love that point because you may be a single parent. Um, and you need that job. For right now that is the job you have. So good advice.
[00:17:21] Shonda: So, yeah, I mean, just taking that example. That's the job I have. So you begin to appreciate that job instead of thinking about it's a stress and you change other areas of your life around the job so that it won't be such a stressor. You know, find some help from family maybe that can help pick up kids.
[00:17:42] Or do something different. Like if you're late, you know, maybe have a plan for a quick and easy meal, you know, involve the kids, you know, maybe ya'll do something different. You know, don't let that stress enter your life. Let's make it fun. Let's go, okay this is a late night let's have a taco bar or something. Have a plan. Yeah. And have a backup plan for when the day doesn't go right and the evening meal comes in. And you know, I'm always thinking about food or I always want to help with food.
[00:18:15] So, you know, we, we can decide how we're going to look at the things, the stressors in our life. What can we learn from them? How can we change our attitudes? What can we do about it? And you know, of course, when all else I'm not going to say fails, but let's put it in alignment with prayer.
[00:18:35] You know, let's pray about it. Prayer brings wisdom, peace, and a strong mind. And that's exactly what we need when we're stressed.
[00:18:43] Patryce: And who doesn't want all of that? So next time, let's focus on prayer, the power of prayer.
[00:18:50] Shonda: For our life, stress, exercise, everything
[00:18:55] Patryce: For everything. We certainly can. So let's talk more about that in our next podcast.
[00:19:00] Shonda: Sounds like a plan. We'll see you all next time.
[00:19:03] Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy today's podcast. Remember you can catch show notes and additional details at under the podcast menu. Also subscribe to our podcast if you aren't already a member of our community. And if listening through Anchor, please send us a message of topics you would like to hear us have conversations about .
[00:19:30] Until next time.
[00:19:31] Patryce: Let's just be real.
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