Photo by Sara Scarpa on Unsplash
Hi, this is Shonda and I’m back to continue the discussion from Episode 21. Patryce and I were discussing 15 helpful hints from the pure food chapter in Stormie Omartian’s book “Greater Health God’s Way”. We only discussed hints 1 – 5 and so here I will be sharing with you hints 6 – 10 and giving a bit of my input and thoughts. Stay tuned for tips 10 ÔÇô 15 in a future episode. (See show notes below for more information about the book. (See show notes below for more information about the book.)
We want to come alongside you, as well, as we all continue moving toward a positive direction to support our healthy lifestyles. If there are any specific ways that we can be of assistance, please contact us through our contact form or send a verbal message through Speakpipe.

We invite you to listen and share your perspectives with us too. Send us a recorded message through Speakpipe. We may use your message in an upcoming episode, therefore, please leave your name if you would like it to be noted during the podcast. Leave an email address if you would like a personal response or feel free to use the contact form.
Helpful hints and tips: (Items discussed today are in bold text.)
- Always ask yourself, “Is this man-made or God-made?” and “How pure can I get this food?”
- The fewer items in a meal, the less you are tempted to overeat and the easier it is to digest.
- The more natural the food, the more healthful it is, and the harder it is for you to overeat.
- The less active your life or work, the less you need to eat.
- Space your eating to put five or six hours between each meal. A possible schedule could be: breakfast at 7 am, lunch at 12 pm, and dinner at 6/7 pm.
- Eliminate one or two foods from the foods-to-avoid list every week and add from the foods-to-include list.
- Don’t eat overcooked or processed foods.
- Eat foods ripe and in season.
- Drink water, herbal teas, and freshly squeezed juices.
- Don’t eat fried food.
Foods to Include:
- Natural sweeteners such as honey, blackstrap molasses, maple syrup (or at least unrefined sugar) – used sparingly
- Foods sweetened with natural sweeteners
- Whole-grains/flours: oats, millet, buckwheat, brown rice, etc.
- Whole-grain products: such as pasta or bread
- Natural fruit juices, substitute sparkling water/drinks for sodas (or even fermented drinks)
- Natural nut butter made without added oils and unsalted is best
- Fresh and/or frozen fruits and vegetables
- Beans and legumes
- Fresh herbs: cilantro, parsley, basil, thyme, rosemary, etc.
- Springwater, herbal teas, and freshly squeezed juices
Foods to Avoid:
- White and refined flours
- White and refined sugars
- Refined food products: cakes, candies, cookies, pies, cereals, fruits canned in sugar
- White rice and white pasta
- Soft drinks/sodas
- Highly salted foods: potato chips, nuts, pretzels, crackers, etc.
- Hydrogenated oils and saturated fats (such as margarine and those found in many fried chip products)
- Processed meats (and try to remove overeating meats if you are a meat-eater)
- Most processed foods
Episode 3 – Immunity – Drinking Teas
Podcast Episode 4 ÔÇô Immunity ÔÇô Water (Drinking and Bathing)
Water as a Nutrient – What options are there? (article)
FDA Bans Trans-Fat Linked to Heart Disease
“Greater Health God’s Way” by Stormie Omartian
Stormie’s book is a great overview of how to live in a healthful way. The last copy of the book was published in 1996, yet the information is still very relevant to today. She explains 7 steps to greater health: 1. Peaceful LIving 2. Pure Food 3. Proper Exercise 4. Plenty of Water 5. Prayer and Fasting 6. Periods of Fresh Air and Sunlight and 7. Perfect Rest.
We will definitely be discussing more areas of this book in addition to completing the 15 helpful hints/tips for making food choices in upcoming podcasts.
See Stormie Omartian’s Book Greater Health God’s Way: Seven Steps to Inner and Outer Beauty (on AMAZON).
Plant-based “Simple” Recipes:
Search real food and drink recipes using this link.
Fight COVID-19 with Food Tuesday, Jan. 19 – Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 4-5 p.m. ET (1-2 p.m. PT) Weekly on Tuesdays with class recordings available on-demand for registrants
Here is a link to the Instant Pot Duo Crisp Pressure Cooker 11 in 1, 8 Qt with Air Fryer, Roast, Bake, Dehydrate and more that I mention in the podcast. (This is an affiliate AMAZON link.) It does amazing things: air fry, dehydrate, makes yogurt, pressure cooks, etc. You should check it out, especially if you do not already have one.
Episode 22 - Simple Food Choices (Part 2 of 3)
And I'm back to continue the discussion from episode 21, Patryce and I were discussing 15 helpful hints from the pure food chapter in stormy Omartian's book, Greater Health God's way. We only discussed hints one through five and so here I will be sharing with you hints six to 10 and giving a bit of my input and thoughts.
[00:00:35] Hi, and hello. Welcome to the real food and drinks, lifestyle podcast. We're building a community to talk about nutrition, lifestyle choices, and just feeling better. This is Shonda and this is Patryce. Let's just be real.
[00:01:01] Here's our disclaimer. We do not professionally practice in any of the various subjects that we discuss. We are only sharing our personal experiences with you to a healthier lifestyle. Please do your own research before taking part in any of these practices.
[00:01:21] Helpful hint, number six. Eliminate one or two foods from the foods to avoid list every week and add from the foods to include list.
[00:01:34] Now I realize you don't have that list right in front of you, but I definitely will be posting these two lists or most of what's included in these lists on the website. And you can get to that through the show notes. This book was written for someone who is trying to make a change. Therefore, anyone who's trying to make a change... we need to consider a way or manner to do so. And I think that tip number six is very helpful. And you know, it's not like we have to go and do it all overnight... toss out that whole pantry and bring in all new foods and you know, that can be a bit drastic. So I think this is a very helpful hint. I didn't think that that's what I was actually doing, even though I was doing that.
[00:02:24] I didn't have any guidelines. Like I didn't do it every week or so, but I was just slowly looking into, okay, what can I change? And when I get that down, you know, what can I improve upon? You know, what's, um, thing that I need to get rid of, or what's a new cooking technique or what's a new food I need to try out?
[00:02:43] So item. Uh, number six on this list, I think is very helpful. And there are just many ways that you could go about doing that.
[00:02:51] The next helpful hint, number seven, is don't eat over cooked or processed foods. So yeah, we're always talking about processed foods here on the real food and drinks lifestyle podcast.
[00:03:05] And that is one of our major goals is to help you eat real food and not go for the processed foods. I'm in total agreement with this of course. I just think it's really helpful that we look at food this way, you know, real food versus processed foods. Real foods are full of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, fiber, all the things that we need to nourish our bodies with and process foods are usually very lacking and void in these things.
[00:03:39] Also stated in this hint is to not eat over cooked foods. So when I think of over cooking foods, I kind of think about burning food or, you know, maybe cooked on a grill for too long and just way too charred. I know there's lots of debate over pressure cooking or steaming. And cooking on high temperatures, but I'm not sure that's what they're talking about here.
[00:04:07] Ideally. Yes. You just don't want to burn your food and ideally yes, it is good to cook your food at lower temperatures. So I think I would take number seven to saying,,"Hey, why don't you try lightly steaming your vegetables, maybe leaving a little crunch there because, um, that can be very delightful in a dish, especially crispy vegetables or I won't say crispy, but more like crunchy vegetables served in a bowl of rice or a different grain. Yet. I think it's perfectly okay to long stew vegetables or even fruits on the stove top or in a crock pot or something like that.
[00:04:53] I must say that I do a lot of high pressure cooking, which is supposed to preserve nutrients, especially if you drink the water that the vegetables are cooked in. So it's ideal for soups and stews. At least the food is not burned to a crisp.
[00:05:13] So let's move on to item number eight in the list. It says to eat foods ripe and in season. And this is one that I really enjoy for many reasons, because when we eat foods that are ripe and in season, first of all, they taste great. Um, they're usually sweeter. But not only are fruits delicious when ripe and in season, but vegetables are also delicious when in season. They make great salads and [when] you're purchasing at the grocery store they're usually the ones on sale. They have a good price because they're not being shipped from so far away.
[00:05:57] And one great way to find foods, though, that are ripe and in season would be to visit a local farmer's market. And that is ideal. And that can help you figure out what is in season and what is not in season.
[00:06:13] Item.Number nine in the helpful tips list is to drink water, herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices. I believe this is very crucial because our body needs water to carry out its body functions. Our body composition is highly made of water and it requires water to function. So we want to give our bodies the best water that we possibly can when we consume water. There's an article written on the real food and drinks website that will help you make water decisions.
[00:06:51] And personally I prefer spring water because it's naturally filtered and not man-made water. If you go and visit that article, which will be linked below in the show notes, you will see [that] for a while I was drinking reverse osmosis water. And that water was void of minerals and did not help with the electrolyte processes that needed to happen in my body.
[00:07:17] But you know, one other great thing to do is to drink herbal teas. In episode three, we go a little deep in to learning about herbal tea. So I invite you to take a listen to episode three. It's full of great information. Patryce and I both learned some things during that discussion. That will also be linked in the show notes below.
[00:07:44] Some things to note mostly about herbal teas is that most are caffeine free. They have many immune system boosting properties. I think something great to note to note about teas is that they can be warm or hot. So if you need a warm drink, drinking an herbal tea would be a great option. You can also make teas out of spices, such as turmeric and ginger and cinnamon and all these things help with reducing inflammation and just boosting the immune system overall.
[00:08:20] So tea can be made from an actual tea plant or a tea could be an infusion of spices into water.
[00:08:30] She also mentioned freshly squeezed juices here. And so when I think about the most beneficial thing, the quickest and easiest beneficial thing could be like squeezing a lemon or lime in your water. And that helps with digestion also.
[00:08:48] It helps the water to become more alkaline. And we have an upcoming episode where we're going to talk about alkaline foods. So please stay tuned for that one. I enjoy fresh homemade juices. Yes, using a juice machine. I think that taking the fruits and the vegetables, putting them through a juicer, gives my body a great deal of vitamins and nutrients ...more so than I could get out of taking any pill or supplement.
[00:09:20] And so last in today's discussion is item number 10 on the list, which is, do not eat fried food. Definitely when speaking about fast foods or fried foods that you get out at a restaurant that oil has been used over and over and over again. And so that oil has been over processed.
[00:09:44] It's mentioned in item number seven, do not eat over processed foods. So if that oil has been used all day to fry foods, it is definitely over-processed. There's something that happens to oil when it is cooked at high temperatures that has a negative effect on the body. I'll definitely link some items below in the show notes.
[00:10:08] So what are the alternatives? The alternative is to stir steam, your food. That's one option. If we're talking about creating a stir fry, you can stir steam by stirring your vegetables, using water broth or juice and slowly adding enough liquid so that the food does not burn while it's cooking.
[00:10:33] I recently have purchased an air fryer and I think it is a really great thing. So to make any food fried, like, um, the air fryer works really great. You can bread, whatever you would normally fry and then cook it inside of the air fryer without any oil. Or even, I know some have to take a baby step by baby step and you use maybe a little bit of oil, but you are not deep frying foods using an air fryer.
[00:11:07] And the best thing that I eat almost every day are potatoes or French fries made inside of the air fryer. And it's really yummy. Now I want to give a plug here for InstantPot, because I feel like I searched far and wide looking for the perfect air fryer, but I found that InstantPot - even though they make an individual air fryer, they also make one that's a combination of an air fryer and a pressure cooker and a yogurt maker and a dehydrator. And I just said that was the one, even though I [already] had an InstantPot I went ahead and purchased this option because I thought it provided much more options for me. So if you do not yet have an air fryer or any of those other items that I mentioned, the InstantPot version would be ideal for you too.
[00:12:07] Well, there we have it. Items six through 10 on the pure food helpful hint list by Stormie.
[00:12:16] And I hope this has been helpful for you. In the next episode, we will follow up with the last five helpful hints from this chapter. So I invite you all back next week as we complete the last pure food helpful hints in this chapter.
[00:12:35] Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy today's podcast. Remember you can catch show notes and additional details at under the podcast menu.
[00:12:49] Also subscribe to our podcast if you aren't already a member of our community. And if listening through Anchor [], please send us a message of topics you would like to hear us have conversations about. Until next time... let's just be real.
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