Fermented Carrots

Quick Carrot Ferment (Probiotic)

Medicinal Probiotics Raw Food Recipes Uncategorized

Here is a very quick ferment using my favorite vegetable – the carrot! Probiotics are good for the gut/digestion. Have a few of these carrots with your cooked meals for better digestion.

16-ounce bag of organic carrots
2 – 3 garlic cloves
1.5 TB sea salt
32 ounces of filtered water
1 bay leaf

Any additional fresh vegetables.

Supplies: 32-ounce mason jar with a lid

1. Mix your brine – 32 ounces of filtered water with 1.5 TBS Salt and allow it to fully dissolve.
2. Put carrots (vegetables), garlic, and bay leaf into a 32-ounce mason jar.
3. Add brine to cover all of the vegetables.
4. Add lid and store in a corner on your countertop or in a cabinet for at least three days (if you live in a colder climate, add a few extra days).
5. Taste on day three to see if the vegetables have a “pickled” taste – if so they are ready.

As seen in the video below, download my favorite fermented vegetable recipe and visual guide at Fermented Purple Cabbage and Pineapple Sauerkraut.