Mid-day Green Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 packed cup of Kale 1/2 slice of 1 inch thick pineapple 1/2 of peeled pickling cucumber 1/2 small nectarine or peach* 1 knob ginger (you can juice using garlic press) 2 coconut milk* ice cubes 1 1/2 cups water *High FODMAP food – remove from ingredients to achieve a Low FODMAP recipe. Directions: […]

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Homemade Catalina Dressing – Oil-Free

I had a mango and a red bell pepper and recall making a dressing out of the two a while back. But this time, I added a few more ingredients. Then end result is a dressing that reminded me of Catalina Dressing, but this one is Oil-Free. Catalina was my salad dressing of choice when […]

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Sadkhin Cabbage Salad – Three Ways

Recently I prepared three cabbage salads for the Grand Opening Event ofSadkhin Houston. Sadkhin is a weight loss program that does not require any special foods, just mainly fresh fruits and vegetables.   One highly recommended vegetable for the Sadkhin Diet is raw cabbage. Also, since the diet suggests having no more than three vegetables/fruit […]

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Orange You Happy Smoothie

This morning it took me a while to get around to preparing my first meal around 11 am. I had already had 32 ounces of water (mixed with barley green powder and 1/2 of a lemon which has now become my regular morning routine.) But at this hour of the morning, ┬áI felt like I […]

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Real Food Rocky Road Ice Cream

I wasn’t planning on posting this tonight, but it’s the weekend and it’s nice to have something cool and sweet to eat while chillin’, right? Well this is my own version of rocky road ice cream. I don’t think I was ever a fan of rocky road ice cream beore, but this dessert just ‘happened’ […]

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Carrot and Flax Seed Crackers

I’m going to give you the basic recipe…then some ideas on the add-ins to achieve different flavors Ingredients: Dehydrator – Before 1/4 cup flax seeds 1/4 cup psyllium husks 2 carrots 3/4 cup water 1/8 tsp salt Directions: Place all ingredients into a high speed blender such as a Vitamix and blend until smooth. Spread […]

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Avocado Drink with Basil and Mint

I was browsing my computer this morning and I came across a Vitamix recipe that used milk and sugar in the mix , so I decided to mix it up a bit in a different way for some Real Food goodness and I added a little special touch with the basil and mint addition. This tasted […]

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Spicy Tropical Salad

Ingredients:2 Altufo mangos2 peaches, nectarines and/or apricots1/2 cup strawberries1 – 2 TBS green onions (or red onions)3 leaves of fresh basilgreen salad mixture as desiredDash of Cayenne Pepper (to taste)Oh, and I added a few bits of grapefruit today…Directions: (Simply add every to a bowl and toss together) Peeled and sliced mangos Chopped peaches, nectarines […]

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Almond Flour Cookies

I began this website so that I could keep track of my journey’s recipes for the most part. I cook and prepare foods EVERYDAY! So, you would think that I would have a ton of recipes posted already. But I have been slacking in this task. Photos of many of the foods I do prepare […]

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No Oil Italian Salad Dressing

Hi everyone. I promised that I would post this recipe and I am fulfilling my promise on the same day! (Amazing!) I had to leave home and get a cubicle at the library in order to focus on doing this, but I really feel that it’s so important for me to share the recipe. ┬á […]

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