Sunlight and Saunas! I’m all about these. I prefer light/heat therapy because they are most enjoyable for me. They provide relaxation for the nervous system and when my nervous system is relaxed, my digestive system is at ease too. Sunlight undoubtedly has a wonderful effect on our immune system.
“When you spend time in the fresh air and sunlight, your body drinks in their life-giving elements” – Stormie Omaritian, Greather Health God’s Way. I couldn’t have worded this sentiment in any better way.
Benefits of the sun:
- Vitamin D
- Calming, yet Energizing at the same time
- Refreshes/relaxes the mind
- Gives life to fresh fruits and vegetables (and then we eat their nutrients )
- Assists in detoxification
Ways to get more sun in your life. Here are some of my favorites:
- Ride with my car’s sunroof/windows open (even if I have to run the A/C at the same time)
- Take a walk/bike ride through your neighborhood (even better through a park with lots of trees)
- Open the windows and blinds inside your home to allow fresh air and sunlight inside
- Step outside often to take breaks from inside chores and the computer
- Have meals outside away from electronic devices
We should be enjoying the sun and air that God has created for us. He knows what’s best for us and it’s almost as if we have forgotten how to live properly. Note: Of course we don’t want to stay in the sun until we are sunburned. But we can enjoy healthy doses without this damaging effect.
All objects in the universe emit some level of infrared light, but two of the most obvious sources are the sun and fire.  Therefore, when we get sunlight we are also getting the benefits of infrared light and more. But, if you cannot get sunlight or you wish to intensify the benefits of infrared light. Infrared sauna therapy makes this happen. I enjoy both the sun and infrared saunas to attain the best benefits.
Sauna heat therapy is good, but infrared sauna therapy has some added benefits.
All saunas:
- Balance the autonomic nervous system
- Induces sweating along with relaxation
- Increases circulation
- Relaxes muscles and enhances flexibility
- Hastens the death of weaker cells (such as cancer, bacteria, viruses, parasites)
Additional benefits of infrared saunas:
- Deep tissue healing
- Increased enzyme activity (required for digestion and healing)
- Ability to direct heat energy to specific parts of the body
- Color therapy
- Ease of use
What first caught my attention about infrared sauna therapy is it’s ability to inhibit the sympathetic nervous system (the one that is activated when we are anxious) and enhance the parasympathetic nervous system (the one activated when we are in a relaxed state). It’s the parasympathetic nervous system that is required for healing. So if we remain in our anxious states, we inhibit healing.
These lists of benefits, by no means, are exhaustive. Additionally, I cannot explain the feeling  and degree of healing that has occurred in my body as a result of adding infrared sauna therapy to my lifestyle.
I want to encourage you to make some healthy lifestyle changes toward getting more sunlight and infrared saunas into your life to activate healing in your body.
Wondering how to get started? 
-  Watch this YouTube Video to see my infrared sauna setup
-  Read this grounding/earthing article  about more life-giving elements of outdoors
- “Greater Health God’s Way” by Stormie Omartian (affiliate link)
- ┬á”Sauna Therapy – for Detoxification and Healing” by Dr. Lawrence Wilson (affiliate link)