Today is to make sure you are available of a few resources that we use to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. And in order to provide you with even more help, please take our 3 question survey and let us know exactly what tools and support you are hoping for.
We want to come alongside you, as well, as we all continue moving toward a positive direction to support our healthy lifestyles. If there are any specific ways that we can be of assistance, please contact us through our contact form or send a verbal message through Speakpipe.

We invite you to listen and share your perspectives with us too. Send us a recorded message through Speakpipe. We may use your message in an upcoming episode, therefore, please leave your name if you would like it to be noted during the podcast. Leave an email address if you would like a personal response or feel free to use the contact form.
The Big Swich (No ‘T’) helps you develop cooking skills tailored to your individual health goals, skill level, and food preferences. 100% online. 100% plant-based. 100% free.
Real Food and Drinks (Recipes)
Join Real Food and Drinks at these social media locations:
Also available on YouTube:
Intro (Shonda and Patryce): Hi, and hello. Welcome to the real food and drinks, lifestyle podcast. We're building a community to talk about nutrition, lifestyle choices, and just feeling better. This is Shonda and this is Patryce. Let's just be real.
[00:00:36] Here's our disclaimer. We do not professionally practice in any of the various subjects that we discuss. We are only sharing our personal experiences with you to a healthier lifestyle. Please do your own research before taking part in any of these practices.
[00:00:55] Shonda: Hello, this is Shonda. Good morning, afternoon, or evening, whatever it may be for you, but I really hope all is going well with you today.
[00:01:05] Today. I'd simply like to take the time to update you on a few things. For one, did you know that there's a resource section at the real food and drinks website? There I've listed some great tools to support you in eating more plants. There's a YouTube section that lists some of our favorite go-to channels for health and wellness and recipes.
[00:01:31] There's also a list of websites that contain health and wellness information along with even more recipes. And if you haven't already seen it, I've included a link to the "Big Swich" and it's spelled S-W-I-C-H (no 'T'). The Big Swich is an online resource that helps you develop cooking skills, tailored to your individual health goals, skill level, and food preferences.
[00:02:01] It's 100% online, 100% plant-based and 100% free. I'm just getting started in trying out this resource myself, there are so many recipes. And even if you are a newbie to this lifestyle, there's lots of help and a community to support you as you learn. I just discovered this last week and I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible. The link to the resource section is available in the show notes.
[00:02:36] Hey, we'd like to get to know you more. We want to meet you and find out how we can help support you on your journey. So please take a quick survey using the link in the show notes. Please let us know what tools and support you're looking for to help you along in your health journey.
[00:02:56] And you can share your successes with our community by joining the real food and drinks Facebook group if you're on Facebook. But if not, there's also the Instagram page and the YouTube channel. And you're welcome to leave comments at these social media places too. And one more thing, you can always send us a voicemail through SpeakPipe. The link to all of this information can be found by following the link in the show notes below.
[00:03:26] Patryce and I will see you next week. Until next time... I hope you have a really great week.
[00:03:33] Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy today's podcast. Remember you can catch show notes and additional details at under the podcast menu. Also, subscribe to our podcast if you aren't already a member of our community. And if listening through Anchor, please send us a message of topics you would like to hear us have conversations about. Until next time. Let's just be real.
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