Perhaps the goal of living a healthy lifestyle has fallen to the wayside. But today you can take simple actions to make improvements for your health and wellness and create a healthier lifestyle that will benefit you. No matter what your age or your current health condition there are actions that can be made to improve your health. Yes, you can take control and create a healthier lifestyle.
We want to come alongside you, as well, as we all continue moving toward a positive direction to support our healthy lifestyles. If there are any specific ways that we can be of assistance, please contact us through our contact form or send a verbal message through Speakpipe.

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[00:00:00] Hey, Patryce, here we are again. And we're back to talk about what are we talking about healthy living with your lifestyle goals. And I'm excited about this because on the website, there's actually an article and I think you were going to start, you can share that article about, yeah. Okay. Sure. I'll I'll share that article.
[00:00:21] I'll read it verbatim here. Okay. So perhaps the goal of living a healthy lifestyle has fallen to the wayside, but you can take actions to make improvements for your health and wellness and create a healthier lifestyle that will benefit you no matter what, your age or your current health condition.
[00:00:43] Are there actions that you can take to improve your health? Yes. You can take control and create a healthier lifestyle. So that was the beginning of the blog. And we want to discuss that today. Yes. Yes. So, anyone who didn't catch all that, you can go to the website and see it, this, this, uh, what we just talked about.
[00:01:06] Yeah. I'll definitely put a link in the show notes. Okay, great. Yeah. Okay. So I know that you had created an outline for us and let's just go to that outline and see where it takes us today. Yeah. I think we were just starting off with, you know, we can all agree. I think that we want it be healthy, but what are we actually doing to meet that goal?
[00:01:31] Yeah. Have we set any goals? Because I know. Previous podcasts. We did talk about setting goals and picking something out. So maybe by now, you've picked something out, right? Maybe, hopefully, or if not, today's the day. Yes. Today is today. And I thought that blog was very encouraging. That no matter what age, no matter what your circumstance in life today can be the first day of.
[00:01:57] Making goals. Yeah. And we, another way to maybe help people to make goals that they haven't already or tweak their goals might be by asking yourself some questions. Yeah. So I think we had a couple of questions that might help us. And one is, uh, taking the time to ask what pod positive changes, if any. Okay.
[00:02:24] So. Let's name a few that they could be, you know, on the, on that, in that, uh, blog there, um, specific areas that we could look at, you know, we could look at, you know, how are we, are we getting the rest that we need? And make a positive change there, and there are different there's breasts, there's food, there's water exercise, uh, you know, just spinning fresh time, fresh air outdoors.
[00:02:51] And, you know, I know we're going to talk about this a little bit more, but our mind, what are, what is our mind telling us the reminder and exercise? So those are like some areas that we can decide, just take one area and make a positive change. And. Right. Exactly. Yeah. That's so encouraging a starting point.
[00:03:14] And then with that in mind, what, you know, identifying what are some of the resources we're presently going to? So we say we want to make some changes and this is. Hopefully positive changes towards a healthier lifestyle. So what take inventory of the resources you're going to, are you going to people who are doing what you want to do or what you're trying not to do?
[00:03:37] Are you going to Instagram, Facebook, social media, that's lifting and encouraging, or a downer. So just identifying what are my resources? Are they good resources for what I'm trying to accomplish? Are they resources I need to reevaluate to better meet my goals, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's a good way to start you.
[00:03:59] Th the next thing is you, you already mentioned it somewhat, uh, and that has to do with our mind thinking about being intentional about what we set our mind on. And, uh, we all have self-talk. You may not knowledge it, but we really do. And what I mean by self-talk is do we say positive affirming things about ourselves and our behavior or is it constantly negative?
[00:04:23] And we can start by making sure we're intentional about our self-talk. Yeah, we need to, we need to take inventory of whatever self-talk is for sure. I know, you know, there are online groups that can help you be more encouraged and positive. That's a good point. And then affirmation, there are several websites for affirmations or make your own.
[00:04:47] And certainly, uh, for those who are. You are Christ followers or believers of the Bible, go to Bible and scriptures, pick some of your favorite ones out and use those affirmations. But just looking at your self-talk I know all ages from kids to adults, it's a great idea to take inventory of our self-talk because, uh, we may not realize how negative it is and how we can change it to be more positive.
[00:05:13] Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Self-talk. Self-talk that is so important because I know that I used to do some real negative talking to myself before, and I'm telling you, yeah, changing those things really changes your attitude and you feel it in your health. You know, that's true. That's true. There are more studies and actually my son, he's very interested in working with a professor who's doing, uh, research in the laboratory about stress and how to fix our health and from a psychological, yeah, that's what I was going to talk about because stress, I mean, we, the negative talk that we're hearing in our, that stress on us.
[00:05:58] So, and we all know that stress does lead to negative health effects. Yeah, it does not do the body good. Do anything negative, right? I mean, you know, on purpose. No. Right. I agree if it's a current habit. Yeah. We know we need to change it. So we make a list of that and we work on it a little bit at a time.
[00:06:19] You know, but I think it is important to start with the talk because in our minds and how we talk to ourselves, because that's just the beginning that's what's going to help us get motivated, right? Yes. Yes. And for example, I know some people work well with examples. So many times if people do something, they might say I'm so stupid.
[00:06:40] Even if they don't say it out loud there, they, you know, look at your, just look at what you're saying, because if you're saying things like, Oh, I'm so stupid, or I can't think of any other examples right now, but that could easily be a change to, wow, that's a mistake, but you know, what, what can I learn about from this.
[00:06:59] Yeah. Can I turn this over? Unless you're just saying that and you're laughing at yourself. I mean, that's okay if you're enjoying the change or the, you know, how could I have done that? That's so stupid. Oh, well, I'm going to do better. You know, know? Well, that's different. Yeah. That's a good point because you're saying that was so stupid versus saying I am.
[00:07:18] Yeah. Because so often people say I am stupid. Now maybe what I did was stupid, but let's not practice saying I'm stupid. That's just one example. Yeah, no, that's good.
[00:07:32] guess the last thing to consider was to take time to actually do this reflection, to take inventory because we keep saying we want to be healthier and we want to set some good goals or adjust our goals, one of the two. But are we actually being intentional to set aside time to reflect. And I I've been better at that at sometimes and not so good. I know. Um, it's important to be intentional.
[00:08:01] Yeah. Yeah. Very, so. Very much so. And we can take time I think, you know, while we are really trying to make this change, take that in the morning, think about it. Being intentional, you know, uh, reflect on it or more planning in the morning. And then I guess at the end of the day, you can reflect on it and you can write it down and leave it and forget it. And say, okay, well, I'm going to improve that by just a little bit of percent tomorrow. And tomorrow's a new day. And.
[00:08:31] Wow, that's encouraging. And I'm glad you said something you just said reminded me writing goals down.
[00:08:39] I haven't made a practice always doing that, but I know that was kind of drilled in me. And as a high schooler and college person, I did it more and I actually think it is better if we write down our goals, instead of just saying I want to just reflect. If we write it down, I think that's just yet another way to ensure we're going to meet the goals.
[00:08:59] Yeah, but don't overdo it. Just, you know, one at a time or one or two and take it from there. Yeah. We don't want you to stress out about it. Yeah. Oh yeah.
[00:09:11] Yeah. So since, so, yeah, since we're talking about healthy lifestyle goals... so we've talked so much about food. And that is the biggest, that is a big thing. But we do want you to go to the post and read about all the other links and things about doing, um, making healthy lifestyle goals. Because there's many areas to choose from. So pick an area. But I guess don't. Just pick always one for food, because it's so important, you know, it, it, it gives you energy. It gives you life, especially when we're eating real food. So we do want to focus on real food. Not that it's like the important thing. And if you just do that and leave all the other stuff off, you're going to be well, no, we need it all. But we did come up with a few things about, um, in the, within the food category that we like to share, right?
[00:10:07] Yes. Reiterate them. You may have heard them before, but it bears repeating. Yeah. Yeah, it does. Um, So what was the first one? Uh, like if we regularly eat out. Yes. Setting goals to not eat out as much and just, yeah, just starting at, not eating out as much and looking at how you can maybe bring your lunch if you're going to work, or even when you're at home being mindful of how you're preparing your food.
[00:10:37] Yeah. So we want to incorporate more vegetables and fruits and nuts and seeds and grains. And the last time I've left off, legumes beans are so important. Yeah. So those, you know, important plant-based foods. We want to just eat them at every meal just about, you know, good stuff. Yeah. That could be one goal. I'm going to eat more plants at every meal.
[00:11:06] That's a good point because I've been trying to do the G bombs, if not every day, like five days out of the week, have all those throughout my day. Just try to the hit them. Yeah. Everything that's listed in the G bomb list. Yes, yes. Yeah. I'll put the link to that too in the show notes.
[00:11:26] What do we eat if we're eating at home more and even when you occasionally eat out, staying away from the standard American diet. If yeah, as much as possible. Yeah. So that was the one that maybe I, you know, focus on the real foods, focus on the plant foods, but I think there was another one. On the list was about how, what we're drinking. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Yeah. Be intentional to get in our fluids. Starting with water. So I know people like to think lemonade, tea, some of these other things. Oh, well, I'm getting my water in. That's not the same as just the water. Now, like you've reminded us, we can add the lemon or something to maybe enhance the water other than sugar.
[00:12:12] Right .Yeah. Yeah. Lemon without added sugar. Yeah. Even drinking a tea. Or, you know, like a, a green tea or... Okay, great. I was talking mainly about the iced tea, which is very popular in Texas. Yeah. That, uh, sweet tea. Yeah. We don't want any sugar? We can eat green tea without sugar, or you can put a little drop of Stevia in there, or, you know, a little honey or whatever, but it's still like, it's a nourishing food, you know, green tea is still nourishing for us, you know.
[00:12:49] Good reminder. It provides a good, you know, good antioxidants and things. We have that... remember we talked about teas and water, so we'll definitely put a link about that one too.
[00:13:00] Yeah. And, um, so the last thing that you put on the list was about, um, oils. You know oils and how it can just build up and add added fats that mean added calories first of all. You know, things that if we're trying to lose weight, then that's one way to cut extra calories out is to get rid of those oils in our diet. And for our cholesterol levels and so many other things, and I've really have to thank you for just reminding me that, uh, I don't always have to put the oil in my pan.
[00:13:37] Of course you might have to just put enough to make it not stick, but that whole using water, just using the water and it quickly wilts or steams your vegetables. I'm just like, this is just as good. And then I can put my herbs and spices to give it the flavor, yeah.
[00:13:54] Oh yeah. Stir, steaming. That's what I call it. I'm not really sure. So like, instead of stir frying I'm stir steaming, I like that let's coin that stir steaming everybody. The way to go.
[00:14:07] Yeah. Okay, so oh, you know, yeah, making your own sauces and things at home. And so we have links to those two on the website. Um, we do.
[00:14:18] So these are just some reminders. We're just here to remind you again that, um, you know, it's, it's simple and it can be overwhelming, but it can be very simple to do, right? Simple by writing a goal, meeting that goal, allowing that goal to become part of your lifestyle. And habits. Habits. Yeah. Becomes a lifestyle and then you move on to the next item.
[00:14:48] That's great. Great encouragement and make sure you're plugged into communities like this one are other communities where you can find support in this new journey of yours. Yeah. And we do have a real food and drinks Facebook group. It's not that active at the moment, but I mean, it can be if y'all are willing, Come join the Facebook, our Facebook group.
[00:15:13] Yeah. So those are just some thoughts that we had to bring you today, and we hope it's helpful to you. If you have any questions or things that, you know, things you just can't figure out, send us an email or a voicemail at speak pipe. And there's a link in the show notes to that too.
[00:15:33] Great until next time everyone eat more real food and drink.
[00:15:39] Real food and drinks. That's the key.
[00:15:44] Bye. Bye.
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