There are many possibilities of ways that we can have a toxic relationship with food and for many reasons. So what is having a healthy relationship with food and drinks about?
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Chocolate Shake (or Frappuccino)
Food Substitutions ( Resource)
[00:00:00] Shonda: We're talking about having a healthy relationship with food and drinks.
[00:00:04] (Intro with Music)
[00:01:05] Patryce: Great topic, because it's such an important one. And honestly, I feel like starting with myself many of us have had a toxic relationship with food and drink.
[00:01:20]Shonda: So yeah. There are lots of toxic relationships with food and that could be for many reasons. So what is having a healthy relationship with food and drinks about?
[00:01:34]Patryce: Having a healthy relationship with food and drink means being intentional to put real foods into your body, meaning healthy and nutritious food into your body and focusing on all the things you can eat instead of the things you shouldn't.
[00:01:54] Shonda: Yeah. So making a mind shift, right?
[00:01:57] Patryce: Yes. Yes. It's it really does start in the mind. Like so many things we have to acknowledge that it starts in our thinking. And, and one, I guess for many people, sometimes people look at food as maybe a reward, or maybe it's an addiction and not even thinking about it, just doing it.
[00:02:18] So it is important to be intentional about what we think and what we do.
[00:02:24] Shonda: Yeah. Like to analyze it right. Analyze. So we want to analyze our relationship with food.
[00:02:31] I love that word. Yeah. That's a good,
[00:02:33] Well I analyze everything. Right? So maybe that works for some, some of you out there who are wired that way, then that's a good way to think about it.
[00:02:45] Okay. So, so what's the differences between healthy and toxic. What are some of your ideas?
[00:02:54] Patryce: Great question. I, I think healthy, like we've just said being intentional and, and then actually knowing what you're putting in your body. And then also just going back to the mind that we eat to live, not live to eat, and the more toxic view of that would be to live, to eat. Versus eat to live. Yeah. Do you want to elaborate on what eat to live? Not live to eat means, more or less?
[00:03:31]Shonda: Yeah. And so I don't want to go too far into the other topics that we're gonna talk about, but, eating to live. So when I think about that... when I eat food, I do want to eat something that has nutrition in it.
[00:03:49] Something that's nutritious for me, something that's going to give me vitamins and minerals. . My focus is on these main food groups. And these are just my guidelines: whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. And I want to have those , as real food, you know, the less processed, the better.
[00:04:18] Patryce: Sounds very good.
[00:04:19] The less processed, the better. And all of those that you mentioned, most of those are also part of the G bombs that we've talked about before. But yeah, I love how you began with you eat for nourishment and not just as a main source of pleasure.
[00:04:38] So we're not saying that we don't get pleasure out out of what we eat or when we eat. But it shouldn't be your main source of pleasure or your reward, but taking it back to the basic necessity of we need fuel and why not have the most nutritious fuel put into our body?
[00:04:58]Shonda: Yeah. Cause there are lots of chemicals let's say in foods especially when we start talking about packaged snacks, you know, lots of just flavor enhancers and things.
[00:05:09] And so I remember someone saying, yeah, you know, I'm not addicted to food, I'm addicted to chemicals. So that was something to consider. Are you addicted to food or are you addicted to the chemicals in the food.
[00:05:24] Patryce: That's a deep comment.
[00:05:25]Shonda: So let's say I like shakes. I can mimic that same shake and it's just as satisfying to me. Let's say a chocolate shake. So a chocolate shake would be a plant-based milk, some Pure cocoa, not the squeeze stuff that you put over your ice cream, not the syrup or anything like that, but you know, fresh cocoa powder. And say bananas, and , even some vanilla extract, you know, vanilla, well, they make it in powder now, so you can skip the extract and a sweetener, like, Maple syrup, a, date or something like that. And, and you have a delicious chocolate shake.
[00:06:19] Patryce: It sounds delicious. And I, yeah, that's a great point that it's not that we are saying don't have the shakes that you used to really crave and love, but realize that you were craving it, maybe because of not maybe because of the chemicals. And now if you're making it at home with a real ingredients, you have that same satisfying shake, but it's nutritious for you and delicious.
[00:06:50]Shonda: Yeah, exactly.
[00:06:53] Patryce: Wow. That's a great point. We can make changes by analyzing or just even just reflecting for those of you who may not be as analytical, but just thinking about what is it that is really making me want this food, or even be addicted to it because now that you mentioned it, there, there have been stories about main fast food providers where they put ,now that you mentioned it, chemicals and things like extra salt and things, and it's proven that it brings customers back. And back again. So if we know this, we can consciously go against that by making it at home. And for myself now that you brought this up, I used to really like a good shake, but when I went dairy free, I don't even create the shake anymore at all, but instead I'm thinking the whole time a great smoothie.
[00:07:46]Shonda: Yeah, that's that's it. Smoothies are yummy. And especially when you learn how to put greens in there, like a spinach, you can't even taste spinach. Yeah. It may turn it green, but you know, it may look green, but you cannot taste it at all.
[00:08:01] Patryce: Exactly. So I love the shake idea. And then from that, you can even, after a period of time, I know for me by doing the smoothies on a more regular basis I truly believe my taste buds have been reprogrammed.
[00:08:15]Shonda: That definitely does happen. Yeah. So what I'm thinking is, you know, I'll come up with maybe some chart or something like if you eat this, why don't you try this or something? And we'll try and put those in the show notes.
[00:08:27] Patryce: Great idea. Great idea. And so practical. I love it.
[00:08:32] Shonda: So, also though, eating should not be your favorite activity either. Yeah, yeah.
[00:08:42] Patryce: For so many reasons, not only to facilitate being healthy as we can be. Let's be honest. If it becomes, say a new past-time or, or something that becomes your main source of pleasure and you're doing a lot more of it. Most of us will be taking in more calories and therefore we'll see an increase of weight. And we always want to maintain a healthy weight. Not saying everyone's healthy weight is the same, but we all have to be honest, there there's a healthier weight and an unhealthy weight.
[00:09:17] So if we realize that food is becoming a main source of pleasure or the main thing we go to, if we're stressed or, or just an unhealthy relationship or more toxic relationship we begin to form with food. It could lead to some other issues such as unhealthy weight gain .
[00:09:38] Shonda: And so I want to put a plug here for the food guidelines that you could find under, I'll definitely put that in the show notes, but you can eat as much as you want because the fiber in the food will fill you up and tell you when you're done.
[00:09:58] Patryce: Excellent. I'm so excited that you're going to be linking that to the show notes.
[00:10:05] Shonda: All right. So let's move on to planning more planning and being intentional because we talked a little bit about being intentional. Now let's plan a little more. Some people, you know, don't like that word planning.
[00:10:19] Patryce: And yeah, they don't, but again, it's like a mind shift, changing how we think about things. Because planning lends itself to, to being more intentional.
[00:10:31] So maybe before we say we don't like that word, we might want to just give it a try. yeah.
[00:10:39] Shonda: Cause we'll realize, I think that planning helps with life and preparing foods versus feeling like you're all over the place.
[00:10:50] Exactly. And I have definitely felt like I am all over the place at times.
[00:10:55] And because I have felt that way and then have tried the planning. I can honestly say the planning, minimizes stress. Yeah. What are some planning tips that you have?
[00:11:09] One thing, because I like to eat salads, I like to have a bag of greens available. And I do buy these mostly already washed and the heavy power greens ,I call them. They usually come in a bag and I get them already washed and I still have to wash a romaine lettuce. So I mixed those two to make my salad. And vegetables such as cucumbers and carrots and bell peppers and onions and things.
[00:11:36] And sometimes I just put those in a little light marinade of, vinegar and you know, like maybe , a vinegarette mostly and store that in the fridge. And that would be my toppings that I quickly go to, to add to my salad. And, the vinegarette preserves them longer. They're just not sitting in the fridge, getting all dried out.
[00:11:58] So I like to do that. And, then I always usually like to add Quinoa or rice to my salad. So I'll make that ahead of time. You know, you could make a bunch of that store in the fridge for a couple of days and the beans and the legumes and things I have that stored. So usually the way I eat is it's usually a salad or a bowl. And the only difference there is when I'm saying I'm eating a bowl. The, greens and things may be cooked. You know, the greens are cooked. The vegetables are roasted, even though I use roasted vegetables in a bowl and a salad also, but that's the only difference. I'm always eating the same foods, but sometimes it may be all warm. Sometimes it may be a little half warm and a little cold mixed together, you know? So that's one way that I prepare to make sure that I have things. Oh and I freeze a lot of bananas cause I like smoothies.
[00:12:57] Patryce: Okay, great. Great tips on and a few things I heard there sound really good in that, for example, you just said you freeze your bananas so that when you're ready to make that smoothie, you already have a frozen banana on hand. And then also what I'll call batch cooking of some things such as the Quinoa or for people who are eating the riced cauliflower, you can make more than a one serving portion so that you have that available all throughout the week to make up your bowls or make up your plates of food and having things already chopped is awesome. And I'm like you, I do buy a lot of my greens, power greens already rinsed and, and ready to go. So that that's one less thing you have to do when you're really hungry.
[00:13:48] Shonda: So it's very similar. I just think implementing a way or including more plant-based foods in your diet really... you can really prepare ahead of time and have such a variety because you know, you may have a roasted vegetable here and here and maybe today you don't want that roasted vegetable in the plate, then just leave it off and eat it another day or, you know, and you could just mix it up. And of course you need a good sauce. So I make some sauces ahead of time or some dressings ahead of time. And I'll definitely link those in the show notes too.
[00:14:22] Patryce: Wow. That's a great point about having the sauces already on hand. And one thing that has helped me with planning better is not just be nilly-willy when it comes to my shopping trip.
[00:14:35] So actually planning my shopping trips to the grocery store more because I am one of those people who likes to go to the grocery store. But if I plan which stores even what stores I'm going to, and then what I'm getting at those stores to have some staples on hand it at home is great instead of having to run in here and there in the middle of the week, so that I have the power greens always at home or have a healthy grain or, or whatever it is I'm going to be putting in my bowls or eating for my plant- based meal.
[00:15:12] So just thinking about how you're doing your grocery shopping, how often, what stores, just having like a shopping strategy, not to say there's a specific one, but whatever. Just have one, just have a shopping strategy helps with the whole planning.
[00:15:28] Shonda: Yeah. I think that's a good idea. And thanks to you for introducing me to Costco, because if possible for you all if it's possible, I highly recommend Costco.
[00:15:39] This is my first year, just two months in or three months in to having a Costco card. And I buy a lot in bulk now it's easy for me to do so instead of having to ask someone to bring me something from Costco. I buy the rice and the Quinoa and the nuts in bulk, and even the avocados, the large bag avocados, they last even longer. Yeah. I can just bring those right home and if they're all ripe, Stick them in the fridge. They'll be there a whole week and just perfect when I open them. So great. Yeah. Yeah. That's been really good. And you know, a big bag of potatoes. Well, I buy them 10 pounds at a time because I eat a lot of potatoes and sweet potatoes. Buying those things in bulk, really, I think it's lowered my grocery bill for sure. Yeah. Especially, yeah, especially for the nuts and the grains in bulk. So that's a good tip.
[00:16:38] Patryce: Well, I think that's pretty much wraps up the planning and we would just encourage everyone to just start looking at how you can do that if you're not doing it right now. How you can be more intentional about planning your shopping trips and, and what you're going to get. And. And how you're going to prep your food so it's easier to put your meals together.
[00:17:01] Shonda: Yeah, for sure. Okay. So boundaries, is that hard? Is that a difficult subject?
[00:17:13] Patryce: Well, you know I think for some people more so than others. I can speak only from my own experience. It's not as challenging now, but there was a time in my life where I was definitely not a plant based eater and definitely in college where I ate out a lot more and fast food.
[00:17:30] And just on the go, go, go and not thinking about, okay, I'm on the go what can I do to still eat healthy? Where boundaries were harder for me, it was more about convenience over boundaries. And when I mean by boundaries is realizing if you're not planning, then you will give in to going almost anywhere to eat when you're hungry.
[00:17:53] Shonda: Yeah. I think this is where we share a little bit of our lives because, you know, I think, I don't know if I've shared with the group before. For many reasons I'm frugal, that that was back then it wasn't even a health focus, but it was like, I am not spending all this money to eat out with other people. They knew that I was bringing my lunch. I was just the person who brought by lunch regardless. And many times it would just be bringing my lunch. I eat at my desk while I'm working, then I would go outside for a nap, but that's a whole different story, but yeah, so.
[00:18:28] I've always had boundaries about around food now, not to say that I made the best choices back then. You know, usually when I brought, yeah usually when I brought it with something reasonably healthy. But now it is definitely. I will not eat. I will starve before I eat something that I know my body's not going to like. I realize I'm in the extreme, but you know, sometimes it takes getting to that extreme, but sometimes maybe not, you know, it just depends on the person. That's the extreme that I live in. And I have reasons that I have to do that, but boundaries are good.
[00:19:06] Patryce: Yeah. Boundaries are good. And the only thing that I would add to that, because our experiences are somewhat different regarding this, but I think this too can be brought back to our thought life. Okay. So how are we thinking about food and just, what are we making a priority? Because it sounds to me from an earlier age, you were making it a priority not only that you wanted to save money. But you wanted to stay well because you felt sick when you ate certain things. So in that way, it was probably easier to have boundaries, not to succumb to the fast food or different places, just because you're in a hurry or you're hungry because you knew you weren't going to feel a certain way.
[00:19:54] So you were intentional about, well, you know, what am I going to do to not have to go to this fast food? So you brought your lunch. So, yeah, if we just think about our thought life and like you said, bringing your lunch is a great thing to do. And I know people want to socialize and I get that I've been at work where I've gone out for many a meals, but now when I look back, I should have, I could have at least brought my lunch sometimes.
[00:20:23] Or just because everyone's eating a certain way or I could have still asked more questions or thought about what I'm eating, even when I'm with other people. And it may have been just a whole different way of looking at it where I thought, well, I want to eat with other people, but I don't need to eat every other day with them.
[00:20:39] Maybe every Friday. That's the day I look forward to at working with other people. But the other days I want to bring my own food. Does that make sense?
[00:20:50] Shonda: Yeah, I get it. So yeah, that's good. Okay. So, talking about to set a meal time and even for me, that doesn't work. So we need to discuss that.
[00:21:05] Patryce: Wow. Yes and it's interesting. , it boils down to our lives. And so not everyone has a set meal time with other people, but I think as individuals, we can at least set boundaries on maybe the last time we're going to eat for the day.
[00:21:27] Shonda: Okay. Well that one's reasonable.
[00:21:30] Patryce: Yes. Not eating so, so late in the day,
[00:21:35] Shonda: Okay, I get that because I'm more of a, you know, when we go back to eat to live, not live, to eat. I'm more of an eating when I'm hungry. So I don't have a set meal time every day, certain set meal times and not eating when I'm too busy. Food doesn't digest well, I think for most people, if you're busy. So we're talking about don't eat on a hurried... not eating on a go.
[00:22:00]I think a meal is a time to sit still and focus on the process of eating or enjoying your food, because if you're hungry and you have food to eat, it's going to be enjoyable. Right? Nutritious and wholesome and Oh, thank you. And yes, yummy. You know, so that's just something that I thought, because this is the way I focus. I don't have set meal times. I eat when I'm hungry and not eating when busy, those are my boundaries.
[00:22:31] Patryce: Well, those are good ones. Not eating when we are busy is an important one, because if you're busy, It's not good for your digestion.
[00:22:41] And most likely, if you are eating and are busy, you're eating very fast and it sounds silly, but we need to actually chew our food properly. I heard this from even a coach from when my kids were younger, a track coach. But anyway, his point was kids stop rushing while you're eating. And I guess that's where the whole idea of mealtime, maybe not having a set time, like I have to eat at eight o'clock and then at 12 o'clock and then at 6:00 PM, but just that you designate, okay, this is when I'm going to eat. And I'm not just going to gulp my food down.
[00:23:16]Instead, you're being intentional about, this is my time to eat, thanking the Lord for the food I'm about to receive and then enjoying it and chewing properly. So it will digest better.
[00:23:29] Shonda: Okay. Yeah. Those are very good boundaries, I think. Yeah. All right.
[00:23:37] Patryce: Let's move on to... I think accountability. It's something to talk about.
[00:23:43] Shonda: Yeah, if you need help. I think so. If you feel like you can't do it on your own, I think accountability is important. I'm going to say at the beginning, I wish I had someone to do those changes with, but I did not, but I can see the benefits of having someone coming alongside me and doing it with me is what would have been important for my support system.
[00:24:10] Patryce: I like how you mentioned support system, whether that's someone coming alongside of you, whether it's the accountability partner, whatever it is, have a support system.
[00:24:19] And maybe that's why things such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig's, although I've never been a part of them, perhaps that's part of their success story. That they do build in accountability and support system. So I do think it would be helpful because most of the time, if we have certain goals, to meet, let's be honest either our health has been impacted or maybe part of our journey of maybe having a healthy weight again are all impacted by needing to make changes. And if we're not seeing different results, that means we need to make changes. And we probably need help because if we could do it on our own, we wouldn't be in this spot.
[00:25:05] Shonda: Hmmmhh okay, Yeah. That's a good point.
[00:25:09] Patryce: So seeking support and then accept the help. I don't know about you, but I didn't find out until I was much older that even though I thought I was good about accepting help, I really wasn't. Mm. Especially as women, I think that sometimes is challenging for us. We are used to doing it all or thinking we need to do it all. And there are times when it's okay to, to ask and then accept help. And the only other thing, well, one other thing to say about accountability is that it may not work for everyone, but it's one of those things where if you've never tried it, you don't know if it works or not. So if you hit a wall and you're not meeting some goals, I say, try something new because just doing the same thing and expecting different results it's like insanity.
[00:26:17] Shonda: Yeah, definitely. We definitely have to make changes if we want to see changes.
[00:26:22] Patryce: Exactly. So, going back to accountability. It's just been my experience from my own life and seeing other people that people need people.
[00:26:33] Shonda: Yeah, definitely.
[00:26:36]Patryce: Even working out. If I work out by myself, I work out, but when I'm in our group, there's something about that accountability. It's like, you're not going to be in a group, a workout group and just stand there or half-heartedly do something at least I won't. So if I'm trying to make a lifestyle change, when it comes to my food and how I take care of myself, if I never tell anyone, versus I tell a couple of girlfriends or family members, oftentimes you're going to find yourself working a little harder at making, meeting your goal.
[00:27:15] Shonda: Yeah, exactly. So we're trying to build a community here. Right? I am willing if there are people out there that really want accountability or support, let's just say they want to see more of a support system. We can meet online, you know, and create a group.
[00:27:37] So that we can meet together and encourage one another. So if you want to do that, click the link in the show notes and let us know that you want to do that, that you're interested in that.
[00:27:49] That's so exciting. I'm looking forward to being a part of a support system and we're all in this together.
[00:27:56] Let's all be real about making changes that are healthy for our life.
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