We’ve noticed that the terms “vegan” and “plant-based” are being discussed together quite often. Are there differences? If so, what are they? Shonda and Patryce discuss their “take” on these two terms.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: In this podcast, I list the items that make up a plant-based diet – yet, I forgot to list legumes – which are my favorite part. So here is the full list: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, and legumes (ahh, the beans)! — Shonda
Plant-based recipes that you may enjoy:
- ForksOverKnives
- Nutrition Studies
- Chef AF – The Weightloss Expert
- Recipes at RealFoodAndDrinks
[00:00:00] Hello, this is Shonda and welcome to podcast episode 30. Today, we decided to try a few episodes of live video podcast recording. So in addition to listening to this podcast on your podcast player, you can also watch and listen at the same time on YouTube as a YouTube video, the link is below. We've noticed that the terms vegan and plant-based are being discussed together quite often.
[00:00:32] Are there differences? If so, what are they today? Patryce and I discuss our take on these two terms.
[00:00:51] Hi, and hello. Welcome to the real food and drinks, lifestyle podcasts. We're building a community to talk about nutrition, lifestyle choices, and just feeling better. This is Shonda and this is Patryce. Let's just be real.
[00:01:17] Here's our disclaimer. We do not professionally practice in any of the various subjects that we discuss. We are only sharing our personal experiences with you to a healthier lifestyle. Please do your own research before taking part in any of these practices.
[00:01:35] Okay. So today we're trying something new, right?
[00:01:38] Yeah. I'm excited. I get to see you and I get to see you. So, uh, yeah guys, this really wasn't planned today, but we just decided to just jump in and do it. We wanted to change the podcast up a bit. So this is a live podcast that we're going to be posting on YouTube. So, um, and we just decided on this subject today, too.
[00:02:03] So, um, Patryce I'll let you introduce our subject.
[00:02:07] Yeah. Well, I'm excited. We've been talking about vegan and plant-based for a while. So thought we just discussed what is vegan? What is plant-based? And some of the just differences and similarities to those lifestyles? Yeah. Okay. So let's just start our conversation, right.
[00:02:29] Just an open conversation. So. Okay. Start with, um, I had heard more about vegan in the past. And it's been more recent that are, that I've heard about plant-based lifestyle. So, and the whole vegan, I'm still learning Shonda because I even had my nine year old cousin who was explaining one day to me that she's just wanting to become a vegan.
[00:02:56] And I was like, really? And she's like... she started going into it and it was more about the animals and so forth. And that's what I'm learning more about veganism is that it's not just a lifestyle about how to eat, but it's a whole culture in some ways, for some people. It's about not wearing clothes that are from animals and just it's a culture.
[00:03:16] Uh, whereas I prefer to call myself plant-based, more plant-based than anything because I, I, I'm just not there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It can be a little bit extreme, uh, sometimes, you know, um, So, yeah, I mean, I think about that the animals too, you know, um, but, um, maybe not to the extreme that some vegans have gone through.
[00:03:43] Um, I guess I'll just start since we don't have a format here, but, um, you know, just thinking about, so that is one reason why I choose not to eat any animal products at all. Is because I have seen the way that animals are treated. So for me, it's about I want to eat healthy animals. You know, if I were to eat animals, I would want to make sure that those animals were grown up in a, in a healthy environment, you know, that they, that they got to eat the foods that they were supposed to eat and not, uh, commercially fed just corn or something to fatten up, like perhaps a cow. Like it's done, you know, and I have seen some really sad images and I know that that environment can not be good for producing food.
[00:04:30] So, you know, um, but that was not my main, um, reason to go, and not ,to not eat meat, which I am considered... I don't know if I'm considered a vegan because I eat um, honey, You know, I did not take honey out of my diet. Uh, I enjoy honey. Um, it doesn't give me problems. Meat did give me problems with my digestive issues.
[00:04:56] So that was my first step. When I started looking at, um, you know, what kind of diet I wanted to create for myself. And plant-based just naturally fell into place.
[00:05:09] Awesome. I love how you pointed out just yet another detail with veganism. It's some people, and I think there's probably different pockets of vegans in that some would still say they're vegan and eat honey, but there are others that would be strictly no, right I don't partake in honey. Yes, that would be shunned. And, and I'm like, you, I, I do partake in honey. I like honey. I even will eat foods with egg product in it. I'm okay with that, but I understand that some people don't want to do that. And that's great too, but, so I would hope that whether we're in the vegan lifestyle or plant-based, if we're focused on being our healthiest self, that we, that people would embrace that. It would not be something to divide us.
[00:06:01] Right. Yeah. That is, that is the good thing. I think the health is more important of us, you know, that should be our focus, but it's not always and some people have to start with, uh, you know, care for the animals may be, and then they realize oh, this is good for me. I'm getting benefits and things. So, you know, we all start in different places. Right? So I guess, yeah.
[00:06:27] We all have different starting points. And I will say the whole plant-based is because I too, like you said, I don't want to eat animals that are not taking care of well, and that is a big, big deal.
[00:06:41] Now I'm. I think that if I knew all the animals were taken care of humanely done, taken care of well and not given hormones and different things like that or antibodies [antibiotics], then I may have had a different opinion about eating meat on a part of my diet. Maybe not a lot of it, but, um, because my great grandparents, my grandparents, and know so forth, they had it and I think it was easier to digest and we didn't have a lot of side effects from it. But now I just don't know how realistic it is to know that I'm getting the clean meats on a regular basis.
[00:07:16] Right. Yeah. And when you brought up that, you know, the added hormones and antibiotics and things like that. You know, I really think my body's just really sensitive to those things. So I think that was an issue when I was eating meat that I would react to all those things in the, in the meat so that, you know, that was like, there's something in here that's something that's just not right. And I, and I do, I have to watch, not only in the, uh, animal kingdom, you know what I'm eating, I have to watch in the vegetable kingdom or whatever the vegetable... what would you call it? The vegetable world or whatever, you know. I have to be careful about, you know, pesticides and things because my body is just highly sensitive to chemicals. So, you know, it picks it out like right away. And, um...
[00:08:05] Wow. That's a good sharing point though, because the fact that you are in-tune with your body and I've become more in-tuned with my body. And I looked back when I was not more plant-based and I was reacting to certain foods, but ignoring it. And that's a big reason why I did go and I keep seeing more plant-based because I am one of those persons who I will eat a piece of salmon, uh, fresh, uh, wild-caught if it's there, or, you know, once in a blue moon or whatever. But, um, regularly I try to stick to more of a plant-based diet. But I did realize in my twenties or thirties, uh, when I began taking the dairy out or, or experimenting with no dairy. Wow! What a difference. I mean, for me, I think I've mentioned before I used to sniff sometimes and I never wanted to have allergies, but it turned out it was just dairy that was making me more congested.
[00:09:07] And then with that congestion, I always, I never had flawless skin. But I felt now looking back at my skin was more congested too, due to dairy and some other foods thatjust didn't agree with me.
[00:09:21] Yeah, I, I definitely had problems with dairy and I took them out. Boy, I know it's been over a decade. I can't remember how long, but I suffered with uh hay fever, which just, what was, you know, in and fall here.
[00:09:37] And... I mean, this was like all my life up until that point. You know, it was just a known that I just could not go outside at a certain time of year and it would just, I would just be all stuffy and congested and blaming the pollen, you know, or whatever. I don't know if I ever really blame the pollen, but I hear a lot of people blaming the pollen pollen.
[00:09:58] I mean, just miserable,. But pollen has been there for... since the beginning of the earth, you know? So it's just part of the nature's process and we should not be affected by it the way many of us are. And taking the dairy out of my diet... [it] just went away. You know, it's like something I had had from an, and it's not like I grew out of it because I was well into my adult... you know. I was, you know, almost 40 when, you know, I finally like took it totally out and, you know, I mean, it's just amazing. And I, my family grew up on milk, cheese, you know, all that, that was just the thing. And it probably still is the thing for a lot of my family members, but it is not worth it. It is not worth it.
[00:10:51] And, you know, I mean, just those daily, um, those daily, uh, sufferings, you know, from the hay fever. But then, you know, think about it that's weighing on your overall immune system. Yeah, and you want to be healthy. You don't want to just say, well, I'll get through this, you know, whatever, but it's doing damage.
[00:11:16] Yeah. That's a good point. It's doing damage and we don't want it to become our new normal. And I think that's what I. Expected when I ate all that ice cream the night before and had my cheese and my, that it was just normal. I'd be, I was sniff that next day and then to...
[00:11:31] and that's what I would just encourage everyone you know, what, what is the harm and just trying something out, eliminate eliminating something. It doesn't have to be forever if you choose not to do it forever, but you can at least experiment. And when you feel better, you'll want to keep doing it.
[00:11:50] Yeah. So, you know, I guess, yeah, that is our reason for going, you know, plant-based or more plant-based is because we need these vegetables, we need vegetables. I mean that, I think that's the key, you know, it's, it's fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds, grains, whole grains.
[00:12:10] And I know I hear a lot, so you know, something that is different. Different, I think with these labels plant-based versus vegan, not only about the animals, we've talked a little bit about the animals, but, um, you can be vegan and still have an unhealthy diet.
[00:12:30] The object of plant-based is to be more healthy because vegan, you could say, well, I eat chips. I, um, French fries, you know, um, and a lot of processed foods. When I think about plant-based. I try to avoid processed foods because it's just not natural. It's not naturally occurring, meaning that it grew out of the... you know, and grew out of the earth and you eat it in its most natural form. You know, it's been manipulated still.
[00:13:04] So I'm not sure there's a lot of, you know, it's a good step. Like I guess if you need a meat substitute, you know, to help you make that [step] because you are trying to make your diet better, you know, and, and that's okay. I'm not saying you have to just go from one extreme to another, you know. But plant-based is about focusing more on whole grains, right? Whole, uh, vegetables, fruits, nuts seeds.and...
[00:13:38] Wow. That's a very good point. I mean, a lot of what you just said is just key. And it like vegan, vegetarian, and then a lot of people, when you, when they move to these different, uh, lifestyles, they think oh, I'm going to lose weight and all that, but you can be an unhealthy vegetarian, an unhealthy vegan.
[00:13:57] I'm not saying you can't be an unhealthy plant-based person, but I do think when you move towards plant-based, it's more of a focus on real food. That's what we're all about real food and drinks. That it's not out of the box, like being plant-based is it's less processed.
[00:14:15] Where I know I had a coworker and she was telling me, you know, she had been a vegetarian all her life and she's like, Oh yeah, this whole thing about it's healthier not necessarily. Because I'm a vegetarian, but you can eat some unhealthy or the way it's not just the veggie, it's not that the vegetables, but the way you're preparing it and so forth like that, um, can be unhealthy.
[00:14:35] And like you said, with the vegan lifestyle, um. Yeah, a lot of the processed foods. I I've been known to eat a Boca burger, or maybe I shouldn't say the name, but, uh, some of these tasty burgers they sell, even at the fast food restaurant. And it's nothing wrong with maybe for a special occasion or you're in a pinch, but not, you don't want to make that a regular part of your diet. Where as with the plant-based it's fun, like you said, to experiment with your preparing of your meals.
[00:15:07] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good. Um, so yeah. I'm not sure. What else, what else are we talking about when we're talking about plant-based versus... I know a lot of times when I'm out, it's just easier to use the word vegan. Cause it's known. I'm not going to eat any meat, any dairy, whatever, you know, like if you're at a restaurant and you look at the vegan meal, cause that's what it's titled. Right? It's, you know, it's titled vegan. Um, And if anyone asks, it's just easier for me to say yeah, I'm vegan. Yeah. You know, but, um, there is ...interesting. Yeah. There is more, but it gives them a hint as to, well that I'm not eating certain foods or this is the way I choose not to, you know, it's the basis, you know, for things.
[00:16:00] Yeah. But then, you know, yeah. It's like, no, I love vegetables and I love, you know. I want to eat as much vegetables as I can. And so replacing meat with vegetables has done tremendous wonders for my health.
[00:16:16] I agree for myself too. And I think another thing for me was, Oh, well, I won't be satisfied. I won't be full. Uh, I, I'm just used to eating meat and that's just part of my regular meal time. So I'm not going to yeah. That whole thinking. I'm not going to be satisfied without even trying it out and then finding out like my kids and my husband will say, I'll be... certain meals I'll put together. I'm like, this is so filling. This is so satisfying. And I'm like eating seconds and thirds.
[00:16:51] And filling without feeling full and tired and dragged out. Right? So that's something that if anyone's out there and they're new to the idea of plant-based living... it will satisfy you if you're hungry. You know, you get creative with how you want to prepare the food, but as far as you know, not over eating, if you're eating enough fiber, you cannot overeat because your stomach will fill up.
[00:17:20] Whereas you can overeat with, you know, fatty foods and oils and things because they take up less space. There's no fiber in, um, any meat. Um, so it's taking up less space. And, you know, I hear sometimes, um, someone say, you know, I just can't eat that much anymore. But it's, I think it's what they're eating. Is that maybe, you know, if they're eating high fat foods and they can't eat a lot anymore, it's probably their liver telling them, "Hey, I've had enough". You know, the liver has to do that fat thing. I think, you know, so it's like, you know, I'm overwhelmed already. You know, "You can't eat all this fat. Like, give me a break". You know, so that's just a thought. I've never said that to anyone, but, um.
[00:18:11] I, you know, I've never heard it said that way, but it just goes back to, again, listening to your body. And I think if we're not used to doing that, there is nothing wrong with doing a food journal or diary. Uh, we do it for our kids. If our kids are little and they're sick, or they have an allergy and the doctor says, keep a journal or a diary of what they're eating so we can see what they might be allergic to.
[00:18:34] So as a grown person, I think the point you just made about that, like I can't eat or I'm too full or not full enough. Keeping that food diary just for a period of time could be very insightful. And I'm all about just trying something out. If you want different results, try something different. Right. So I love how you, you just have brought that up because we, I think we do need to listen to our bodies. Maybe we need a whole book about that or, or blog about listening to our bodies. Because in America, I can just speak from my own experience. We just get so used to just going through the motions and just making something our new normal. So we need to learn to listen to our bodies.
[00:19:16] Okay. Very good point. Yeah. That is so important.
[00:19:20] Well, Shonda, this has been great. I am excited that we've done this and I'm excited about doing more of these live videos and I'm encouraging, and we are encouraging anyone, hearing us, listening to us that you research this. Research vegan diets. Plant-based diets. It's a lifestyle change that might be for you, but research it, listen to your body more and be encouraged that with just small changes you can accomplish big changes in the future. So if you want different results, you have to do something differently. So we're just encouraging you to research the vegan, the plant-based lifestyle. And, um, and, and to send us any questions you have. We're, we'd be happy to answer them.
[00:20:10] Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, that's wonderful.
[00:20:14] A link to the show notes can be found below this video.
[00:20:18] Also, please subscribe. So you won't miss any future videos and be sure to comment below and let us know what you think about this format. Until next time let's just be real. .
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