Some of the posts and pages on this website contain company affiliate links. If you buy something through these links, you will not incur any additional costs, yet I will receive a compensation from the company for directing you to the product(s).
All affiliate links have been carefully chosen by me. I have tried/used the products myself and I believe in these products and the value they provide.
My relationship to any company specific advertised product will likely be disclosed on the page that contains affiliate links. If you would like even further information about a product or my experience with the product, please send an email by clicking the email icon at the bottom of any page.
There also may be Amazon Affiliate Links on various pages and posts.
“We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”
If I have ordered my product through Amazon it will be disclosed on the page. Sometimes, Amazon links are simply a way for me to show you how to find a similar product to which I have referenced on a page. Again, any questions you have, please send an email by clicking the email icon at the bottom of any page.
I wish you much success  as you create your healthy lifestyle.
Let’s get better together.
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